
Lose Weight on a Budget, Run!
USA Today is running (no pun intended) a weight-loss challenge and have selected Paul and Amy Kreidler of Glendale, Mo. to share their story. Combined, the couple dropped 160 pounds; Paul shed 120 pounds and Amy lost 40. In short, the couple blamed their weight gain on their hectic lifestyles and poor choices. Between work and raising kids, the couple often found themselves grabbing fast food. The couple decided they needed a change. They made two moves that helped them lose weight and become a happier, healthier couple. They started to eat healthier food and run. Amy, who doesn't like running as much as her husband says it's the quickest and best way to get her workout in. "It's free. It's fast. You put your shoes on, you warm up, you stretch and you go." What's your weight loss secret? Labels: advice, food, health, real people, sports
One Couple, Two Trolley Cars, One Happy Marriage
When you read stories of couples working together, it's often within the same office or where one is assisting the other. Framingham, MA couple Diane and Ed Hyman run two roadside eateries, The Trolley Stop and Trolley Stop Jr. "We got married and we were just looking to do something together," says Ed. "It kind of came about by a fluke." The couple were dropping Diane's daughter off at a friend's when they spied the trolley trailer for sale. "We joked about it, then talked about it more seriously. We bought it a few weeks later." Ed works the Jr. store, while Diane attends the main Trolley Stop. The article from the Boston Globe doesn't go into detail on their marriage, but does talk a lot about the food deals. For example, a $2 trolley dog, plus for $1.25 more you can add chips, a drink and a chocolate chip cookie. A plain hot dog sound boring, how about a Snoop Dog with chili and cheddar cheese, or the Remdog adorned with sauerkraut. If visitors want something beyond a dog, they can get homemade soups, clam chowder, chili, sirloin angus hamburgers, mac and cheese. Morning patrons can also get coffee, cappuccinos, lattes, and chai tea. Do you have a favorite couple-run eatery near you? Maybe we should put together a list? Labels: food, real people
More Baby Formula Trouble
 There might still be a battle going on between breast milk and baby formula, but some mothers out there might decide that nature's milk wins by default. After many recent scares about tainted baby formula, there is a new one. A new study from scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did a small study of 15 powdered formulas and the scientists found that all were contaminated with perchlorate. Perchlorate is a component of rocket fuel that's linked to thyroid disease. The study did not name the companies it studied, but did reveal that cow's milk formula with lactose had the highest perchlorate levels, compared to formulas that were soy-based, lactose-free or "elemental." Not sure if this will make you feel any better, but the Environmental Working Group found that perchlorate has been found to contaminate the drinking water in 28 states and territories. The baby formula study was conducted with perchlorate-free water. So what's next? This article ( click here) says concerned parents should make sure that their infants have a diet with sufficient iodine, which can counteract perchlorate's harmful effects. They also added that the study didn't actually measure perchlorate in infants and that a study of that nature is essential to determine if infants are actually absorbing the perchlorate to which they're exposed to. Labels: food, parenting, study
Drink With Friends...It's Good for You
 Nearly 20,000 Japanese men were asked about their alcohol consumption and drinking environment over the span of more than 9 years by researchers from Osaka University. What these Japanese researchers found was that light to moderat drinking aligned with reduced risks of stroke and heart disease, and the effect was more pronounced in men with high levels of social support. One researcher believe the social support prevented unhealthy behaviors and enhancement of stress buffering. Moderate consumption was rated as less than 299 grams per week. Over 300 grams was shown to increase the risk of a stroke. Another interesting tidbit was that heavy drinkers were also more likely to not be married! So grab your spouse, find some friends and enjoy some moderate drinking. Cheers! Labels: food, health, men, study
Drink With Friends...It's Good for You
 Nearly 20,000 Japanese men were asked about their alcohol consumption and drinking environment over the span of more than 9 years by researchers from Osaka University. What these Japanese researchers found was that light to moderat drinking aligned with reduced risks of stroke and heart disease, and the effect was more pronounced in men with high levels of social support. One researcher believe the social support prevented unhealthy behaviors and enhancement of stress buffering. Moderate consumption was rated as less than 299 grams per week. Over 300 grams was shown to increase the risk of a stroke. Another interesting tidbit was that heavy drinkers were also more likely to not be married! So grab your spouse, find some friends and enjoy some moderate drinking. Cheers! Labels: food, health, men, study
Drink With Friends...It's Good for You
 Nearly 20,000 Japanese men were asked about their alcohol consumption and drinking environment over the span of more than 9 years by researchers from Osaka University. What these Japanese researchers found was that light to moderat drinking aligned with reduced risks of stroke and heart disease, and the effect was more pronounced in men with high levels of social support. One researcher believe the social support prevented unhealthy behaviors and enhancement of stress buffering. Moderate consumption was rated as less than 299 grams per week. Over 300 grams was shown to increase the risk of a stroke. Another interesting tidbit was that heavy drinkers were also more likely to not be married! So grab your spouse, find some friends and enjoy some moderate drinking. Cheers! Labels: food, health, men, study
Medical Myths
 Your kid eating sugar will make them hyper, right? Not so says British medical journal BMJ. They say that there is no scientific evidence to support this myth and that some of it is even psychological for the parents. The journal said that when parent were told their kids had sugary drinks, they rated that they were more hyper, even though the drinks were sugar free. Other myths include the one that poinsettias are poisonous, suicides increase during the holidays, eating at night makes you fat, you lose the most body heat through your head, and that their are cures for hangovers. To read the full article with explanations on these myths, click here. So go ahead and eat up at night with that sugary dessert, but don't drink too much because there's no cure in the morning. Happy holidays! Labels: food, health, holidays, kids, study
Medical Myths
 Your kid eating sugar will make them hyper, right? Not so says British medical journal BMJ. They say that there is no scientific evidence to support this myth and that some of it is even psychological for the parents. The journal said that when parent were told their kids had sugary drinks, they rated that they were more hyper, even though the drinks were sugar free. Other myths include the one that poinsettias are poisonous, suicides increase during the holidays, eating at night makes you fat, you lose the most body heat through your head, and that their are cures for hangovers. To read the full article with explanations on these myths, click here. So go ahead and eat up at night with that sugary dessert, but don't drink too much because there's no cure in the morning. Happy holidays! Labels: food, health, holidays, kids, study
Medical Myths
 Your kid eating sugar will make them hyper, right? Not so says British medical journal BMJ. They say that there is no scientific evidence to support this myth and that some of it is even psychological for the parents. The journal said that when parent were told their kids had sugary drinks, they rated that they were more hyper, even though the drinks were sugar free. Other myths include the one that poinsettias are poisonous, suicides increase during the holidays, eating at night makes you fat, you lose the most body heat through your head, and that their are cures for hangovers. To read the full article with explanations on these myths, click here. So go ahead and eat up at night with that sugary dessert, but don't drink too much because there's no cure in the morning. Happy holidays! Labels: food, health, holidays, kids, study
Are You Really Eating Worse Than You Think?
 Sometimes we made food choices thinking we're doing something good for ourselves, or at least picking the less of two food evils. It may be surprising to some that some standard and popular lunchtime fare is really a pound-packing health bomb. For example, I don't think a reasonable person would say that a Triple Whopper from Burger King is a healthy lunch, but who would expect that the fat equivalent is like like eating 10 slices of Papa John's cheese pizza! Or how about a Hardee's 2/3-lb Monster Thickburger? The saturated fat in this heart attack between two buns is the same as eating 43 strips of Oscar Mayer bacon. Or how about the Wild Buffalo Chicken Strip Basket at The Dairy Queen; that contains the same amount of sodium as 14 large orders of McDonald's French fries. Whoa! So before you place your next lunch order, be sure to read the nutrition sheet to see what you're really consuming. To read a more complete list of food items, click here. Labels: commentary, food, health
Are You Really Eating Worse Than You Think?
 Sometimes we made food choices thinking we're doing something good for ourselves, or at least picking the less of two food evils. It may be surprising to some that some standard and popular lunchtime fare is really a pound-packing health bomb. For example, I don't think a reasonable person would say that a Triple Whopper from Burger King is a healthy lunch, but who would expect that the fat equivalent is like like eating 10 slices of Papa John's cheese pizza! Or how about a Hardee's 2/3-lb Monster Thickburger? The saturated fat in this heart attack between two buns is the same as eating 43 strips of Oscar Mayer bacon. Or how about the Wild Buffalo Chicken Strip Basket at The Dairy Queen; that contains the same amount of sodium as 14 large orders of McDonald's French fries. Whoa! So before you place your next lunch order, be sure to read the nutrition sheet to see what you're really consuming. To read a more complete list of food items, click here. Labels: commentary, food, health
Are You Really Eating Worse Than You Think?
 Sometimes we made food choices thinking we're doing something good for ourselves, or at least picking the less of two food evils. It may be surprising to some that some standard and popular lunchtime fare is really a pound-packing health bomb. For example, I don't think a reasonable person would say that a Triple Whopper from Burger King is a healthy lunch, but who would expect that the fat equivalent is like like eating 10 slices of Papa John's cheese pizza! Or how about a Hardee's 2/3-lb Monster Thickburger? The saturated fat in this heart attack between two buns is the same as eating 43 strips of Oscar Mayer bacon. Or how about the Wild Buffalo Chicken Strip Basket at The Dairy Queen; that contains the same amount of sodium as 14 large orders of McDonald's French fries. Whoa! So before you place your next lunch order, be sure to read the nutrition sheet to see what you're really consuming. To read a more complete list of food items, click here. Labels: commentary, food, health
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Linked to Environmental Threats
 A new report by the Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility and the Science and Environmental Health Network says that environmental factors such as lead, air pollution, and pesticides can lead to health risks and cognitive disease. Co-author of the repot, Jill Stein, MD says, "As we explored origins and patterns of chronic degenerative diseases, we discovered a web of conditions in the environment--including nutritional, chemical, physical and social factors--that have a direct influence on the risk of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and related chronic diseases. It is clear from these findings that our activities in the areas of food and agriculture, energy, chemical use, and social organization are key drivers in the abnormal loss of neurological function in older people throughout the modern world." In diet, saturated fat intake was found to greatly increase the risk of dementia. What's frightening is that the report suggests these diseases are being driven by dramatic alterations over the past 50 to 100 years in the U.S. food supply, an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, and exposure to toxic chemicals. Labels: food, health, study
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Linked to Environmental Threats
 A new report by the Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility and the Science and Environmental Health Network says that environmental factors such as lead, air pollution, and pesticides can lead to health risks and cognitive disease. Co-author of the repot, Jill Stein, MD says, "As we explored origins and patterns of chronic degenerative diseases, we discovered a web of conditions in the environment--including nutritional, chemical, physical and social factors--that have a direct influence on the risk of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and related chronic diseases. It is clear from these findings that our activities in the areas of food and agriculture, energy, chemical use, and social organization are key drivers in the abnormal loss of neurological function in older people throughout the modern world." In diet, saturated fat intake was found to greatly increase the risk of dementia. What's frightening is that the report suggests these diseases are being driven by dramatic alterations over the past 50 to 100 years in the U.S. food supply, an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, and exposure to toxic chemicals. Labels: food, health, study
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Linked to Environmental Threats
 A new report by the Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility and the Science and Environmental Health Network says that environmental factors such as lead, air pollution, and pesticides can lead to health risks and cognitive disease. Co-author of the repot, Jill Stein, MD says, "As we explored origins and patterns of chronic degenerative diseases, we discovered a web of conditions in the environment--including nutritional, chemical, physical and social factors--that have a direct influence on the risk of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and related chronic diseases. It is clear from these findings that our activities in the areas of food and agriculture, energy, chemical use, and social organization are key drivers in the abnormal loss of neurological function in older people throughout the modern world." In diet, saturated fat intake was found to greatly increase the risk of dementia. What's frightening is that the report suggests these diseases are being driven by dramatic alterations over the past 50 to 100 years in the U.S. food supply, an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, and exposure to toxic chemicals. Labels: food, health, study
"Honey, It's Time for a Diet"
 Belittling a loved one about being too fat and then undermining efforts to lose weight are common mistakes among couples according to experts in this article from MSNBC. For example, making jokes about your spouse's weight, then when they do start losing the pounds, bring home a thing of cookies. In this article, this scenario happened and the couple eventually got divorced. So how do you tell your spouse that they're gaining a little too much weight and you're worried about them? Here are a few tips: 1. Don't nag 2. Be loving 3. Don't judge 4. Help solve problems 5. Don't sabotage 6. Be a role model 7. Don't play cop 8. Be a role model To get more in-depth explanations on these steps, click here. Do you think you're spouse needs to lose weight? Talk about it on our forum. Labels: advice, food, health
"Honey, It's Time for a Diet"
 Belittling a loved one about being too fat and then undermining efforts to lose weight are common mistakes among couples according to experts in this article from MSNBC. For example, making jokes about your spouse's weight, then when they do start losing the pounds, bring home a thing of cookies. In this article, this scenario happened and the couple eventually got divorced. So how do you tell your spouse that they're gaining a little too much weight and you're worried about them? Here are a few tips: 1. Don't nag 2. Be loving 3. Don't judge 4. Help solve problems 5. Don't sabotage 6. Be a role model 7. Don't play cop 8. Be a role model To get more in-depth explanations on these steps, click here. Do you think you're spouse needs to lose weight? Talk about it on our forum. Labels: advice, food, health
"Honey, It's Time for a Diet"
 Belittling a loved one about being too fat and then undermining efforts to lose weight are common mistakes among couples according to experts in this article from MSNBC. For example, making jokes about your spouse's weight, then when they do start losing the pounds, bring home a thing of cookies. In this article, this scenario happened and the couple eventually got divorced. So how do you tell your spouse that they're gaining a little too much weight and you're worried about them? Here are a few tips: 1. Don't nag 2. Be loving 3. Don't judge 4. Help solve problems 5. Don't sabotage 6. Be a role model 7. Don't play cop 8. Be a role model To get more in-depth explanations on these steps, click here. Do you think you're spouse needs to lose weight? Talk about it on our forum. Labels: advice, food, health
Wine from Faucets
 It's been a tough week and we've been holding onto this one for a few days just because we knew it would put a smile on your face. It's Friday, and the Dow Industrial has just concluded it's worst drop in history! If you've ever needed an excuse to drink, now may be it. In Marino, Italy they hold a grape festival every year and reroute the plumbing to have sparkling white wine flow from the fountains in the main square. In an "error", the plumbing was switched to local homes instead. Which meant that wine was literally flowing from the faucets of local residents. The London Times reported that some locals were able to fill up jugs of wine before the error was corrected. Have a great weekend. Click here to read the full post.Labels: food, fun, holidays
Wine from Faucets
 It's been a tough week and we've been holding onto this one for a few days just because we knew it would put a smile on your face. It's Friday, and the Dow Industrial has just concluded it's worst drop in history! If you've ever needed an excuse to drink, now may be it. In Marino, Italy they hold a grape festival every year and reroute the plumbing to have sparkling white wine flow from the fountains in the main square. In an "error", the plumbing was switched to local homes instead. Which meant that wine was literally flowing from the faucets of local residents. The London Times reported that some locals were able to fill up jugs of wine before the error was corrected. Have a great weekend. Click here to read the full post.Labels: food, fun, holidays
Wine from Faucets
 It's been a tough week and we've been holding onto this one for a few days just because we knew it would put a smile on your face. It's Friday, and the Dow Industrial has just concluded it's worst drop in history! If you've ever needed an excuse to drink, now may be it. In Marino, Italy they hold a grape festival every year and reroute the plumbing to have sparkling white wine flow from the fountains in the main square. In an "error", the plumbing was switched to local homes instead. Which meant that wine was literally flowing from the faucets of local residents. The London Times reported that some locals were able to fill up jugs of wine before the error was corrected. Have a great weekend. Click here to read the full post.Labels: food, fun, holidays
Where Did That Hamburger Come From?
 Keep an eye out the next time you're at the grocery store looking to pick up ingredients for dinner. A new law has gone into effect that requires all meats, fish, and fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables to be identified by their country of origin, whether by a sticker, a sign, a placard or a label. Organs such as hearts, livers and kidneys are not included. As this article from USA Today points out, there are a few loopholes. For example, cooked and processed foods are exempt. Another loop hole is that when you combine two of these foods, they become exempt. Meaning, frozen strawberries are covered and frozen blueberries are covered, but when they're put in the same bag, their origin does not have to be announced. This has been in the works since 2002 and it's finally in the stores. If you see that your beef has traveled 8,000 miles, will you put it back and instead go for the local stuff? Labels: food, news
Where Did That Hamburger Come From?
 Keep an eye out the next time you're at the grocery store looking to pick up ingredients for dinner. A new law has gone into effect that requires all meats, fish, and fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables to be identified by their country of origin, whether by a sticker, a sign, a placard or a label. Organs such as hearts, livers and kidneys are not included. As this article from USA Today points out, there are a few loopholes. For example, cooked and processed foods are exempt. Another loop hole is that when you combine two of these foods, they become exempt. Meaning, frozen strawberries are covered and frozen blueberries are covered, but when they're put in the same bag, their origin does not have to be announced. This has been in the works since 2002 and it's finally in the stores. If you see that your beef has traveled 8,000 miles, will you put it back and instead go for the local stuff? Labels: food, news
Where Did That Hamburger Come From?
 Keep an eye out the next time you're at the grocery store looking to pick up ingredients for dinner. A new law has gone into effect that requires all meats, fish, and fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables to be identified by their country of origin, whether by a sticker, a sign, a placard or a label. Organs such as hearts, livers and kidneys are not included. As this article from USA Today points out, there are a few loopholes. For example, cooked and processed foods are exempt. Another loop hole is that when you combine two of these foods, they become exempt. Meaning, frozen strawberries are covered and frozen blueberries are covered, but when they're put in the same bag, their origin does not have to be announced. This has been in the works since 2002 and it's finally in the stores. If you see that your beef has traveled 8,000 miles, will you put it back and instead go for the local stuff? Labels: food, news
Eating At the Grocery Store
 Times are tough and if you don't have the cash to go out to a fancy restaurant, we understand. Apparently, so do a lot of other Americans. It seems there's a rising trend of Americans eating out at the grocery store or purchasing already prepared food like rotisserie chicken and mashed potatoes. MSNBC ran a story discussing this trend and talks about the increase in food offerings by grocery stores and how the down economy is pushing this trend forward. Do you eat out at the grocery store? What's your favorite thing to pick up? Labels: food, real people, trend
Eating At the Grocery Store
 Times are tough and if you don't have the cash to go out to a fancy restaurant, we understand. Apparently, so do a lot of other Americans. It seems there's a rising trend of Americans eating out at the grocery store or purchasing already prepared food like rotisserie chicken and mashed potatoes. MSNBC ran a story discussing this trend and talks about the increase in food offerings by grocery stores and how the down economy is pushing this trend forward. Do you eat out at the grocery store? What's your favorite thing to pick up? Labels: food, real people, trend
Eating At the Grocery Store
 Times are tough and if you don't have the cash to go out to a fancy restaurant, we understand. Apparently, so do a lot of other Americans. It seems there's a rising trend of Americans eating out at the grocery store or purchasing already prepared food like rotisserie chicken and mashed potatoes. MSNBC ran a story discussing this trend and talks about the increase in food offerings by grocery stores and how the down economy is pushing this trend forward. Do you eat out at the grocery store? What's your favorite thing to pick up? Labels: food, real people, trend
Coffee May Be Better For Health Than You Think
 A new report by the Harvard School of Public Health says that coffee is loaded with antioxidants and that helps with heart disease. The study is based on the coffee drinking habits of 41,736 men and 86,216 women with no history of cardiovascular disease over 18 years for men and 24 years for women. The results showed that women who drank two to three cups a day had a whopping 25 percent drop in heart disease compared to non coffee drinkers. The authors of the study say, however, that more research is necessary to suggest people should drink coffee for their health. Saying that, the evidence is piling up that drinking coffee does have its benefits. From the USA Today article: In 2000, researchers at the Mayo Clinic found that coffee intake was linked with decreased rates of Parkinson's disease. In 2004, Harvard researchers reported that it significantly reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. And a 2005 study found that coffee could help prevent the most common type of liver cancer, according to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Now that's eye opening. Labels: food, health, study
Coffee May Be Better For Health Than You Think
 A new report by the Harvard School of Public Health says that coffee is loaded with antioxidants and that helps with heart disease. The study is based on the coffee drinking habits of 41,736 men and 86,216 women with no history of cardiovascular disease over 18 years for men and 24 years for women. The results showed that women who drank two to three cups a day had a whopping 25 percent drop in heart disease compared to non coffee drinkers. The authors of the study say, however, that more research is necessary to suggest people should drink coffee for their health. Saying that, the evidence is piling up that drinking coffee does have its benefits. From the USA Today article: In 2000, researchers at the Mayo Clinic found that coffee intake was linked with decreased rates of Parkinson's disease. In 2004, Harvard researchers reported that it significantly reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. And a 2005 study found that coffee could help prevent the most common type of liver cancer, according to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Now that's eye opening. Labels: food, health, study
Coffee May Be Better For Health Than You Think
 A new report by the Harvard School of Public Health says that coffee is loaded with antioxidants and that helps with heart disease. The study is based on the coffee drinking habits of 41,736 men and 86,216 women with no history of cardiovascular disease over 18 years for men and 24 years for women. The results showed that women who drank two to three cups a day had a whopping 25 percent drop in heart disease compared to non coffee drinkers. The authors of the study say, however, that more research is necessary to suggest people should drink coffee for their health. Saying that, the evidence is piling up that drinking coffee does have its benefits. From the USA Today article: In 2000, researchers at the Mayo Clinic found that coffee intake was linked with decreased rates of Parkinson's disease. In 2004, Harvard researchers reported that it significantly reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. And a 2005 study found that coffee could help prevent the most common type of liver cancer, according to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Now that's eye opening. Labels: food, health, study
Date Night Wines
 One of our favorite vlogs, WineLibraryTV recently had an episode (451) on date night wines. This episode was targeted toward the pre-married crowd, but we say, why not use these tips to impress your spouse? On the show the host, Gary Vaynerchuk and his special guest, Twanna Hines sampled three different wines, a rose, white and red. One of the big tips from Gary was to break out of your regular box--no, not box wine--you know, the standard Merlot, Chianti, Chardonnay,and try something a little different. For example, they sampled a Barbera d'Asti wine, which is a red Italian wine produced from the Barbera grape variety. To watch the episode, click here. What's your favorite wine? Labels: advice, date night, food
Date Night Wines
 One of our favorite vlogs, WineLibraryTV recently had an episode (451) on date night wines. This episode was targeted toward the pre-married crowd, but we say, why not use these tips to impress your spouse? On the show the host, Gary Vaynerchuk and his special guest, Twanna Hines sampled three different wines, a rose, white and red. One of the big tips from Gary was to break out of your regular box--no, not box wine--you know, the standard Merlot, Chianti, Chardonnay,and try something a little different. For example, they sampled a Barbera d'Asti wine, which is a red Italian wine produced from the Barbera grape variety. To watch the episode, click here. What's your favorite wine? Labels: advice, date night, food
Date Night Wines
 One of our favorite vlogs, WineLibraryTV recently had an episode (451) on date night wines. This episode was targeted toward the pre-married crowd, but we say, why not use these tips to impress your spouse? On the show the host, Gary Vaynerchuk and his special guest, Twanna Hines sampled three different wines, a rose, white and red. One of the big tips from Gary was to break out of your regular box--no, not box wine--you know, the standard Merlot, Chianti, Chardonnay,and try something a little different. For example, they sampled a Barbera d'Asti wine, which is a red Italian wine produced from the Barbera grape variety. To watch the episode, click here. What's your favorite wine? Labels: advice, date night, food
Mom's Diets Affect Baby's Sex
 The foods that a woman eats before she's pregnant could have an affect on what sex her baby will be according to a new study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, a British medical journal. Eating potassium-rich foods including bananas, having a hearty appetite and not skipping breakfast seemed to raise the odds of having a boy according to the study. The research involved roughly 700 first-time pregnant women in the UK. The women were asked about their eating habits in the year before getting pregnant, according to this article in USA Today. Fifty-six percent of women with the highest calorie intake before pregnancy (but still within a normal, healthy range), had boys. Women who ate at least one bowl of breakfast cereal daily were 87 percent more likely to have boys than those who ate no more than one bowlful per week. The study did have its detractors and also some who said this new research coincides with other signs of a mother's habits predicting their baby's gender. Read the full article here.Labels: food, news, pregnancy, study
Mom's Diets Affect Baby's Sex
 The foods that a woman eats before she's pregnant could have an affect on what sex her baby will be according to a new study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, a British medical journal. Eating potassium-rich foods including bananas, having a hearty appetite and not skipping breakfast seemed to raise the odds of having a boy according to the study. The research involved roughly 700 first-time pregnant women in the UK. The women were asked about their eating habits in the year before getting pregnant, according to this article in USA Today. Fifty-six percent of women with the highest calorie intake before pregnancy (but still within a normal, healthy range), had boys. Women who ate at least one bowl of breakfast cereal daily were 87 percent more likely to have boys than those who ate no more than one bowlful per week. The study did have its detractors and also some who said this new research coincides with other signs of a mother's habits predicting their baby's gender. Read the full article here.Labels: food, news, pregnancy, study
Mom's Diets Affect Baby's Sex
 The foods that a woman eats before she's pregnant could have an affect on what sex her baby will be according to a new study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, a British medical journal. Eating potassium-rich foods including bananas, having a hearty appetite and not skipping breakfast seemed to raise the odds of having a boy according to the study. The research involved roughly 700 first-time pregnant women in the UK. The women were asked about their eating habits in the year before getting pregnant, according to this article in USA Today. Fifty-six percent of women with the highest calorie intake before pregnancy (but still within a normal, healthy range), had boys. Women who ate at least one bowl of breakfast cereal daily were 87 percent more likely to have boys than those who ate no more than one bowlful per week. The study did have its detractors and also some who said this new research coincides with other signs of a mother's habits predicting their baby's gender. Read the full article here.Labels: food, news, pregnancy, study
More Ethnic Cuisine
 This week, Dr. Ro wrote an article on how to eat out healthy by eating ethnic cuisine. We came across this article that reveals Food Network stars dishing on their favorite ethnic cuisines. Iron Chef, Masaharu Morimoto thinks that Japanese cuisine is going to continue to grow in popularity. Specifically he thinks shochu (similar to vodka but half the strength) will gain in popularity. Robin Miller of Quick Fix Meals thinks Spanish tapas-style meals will grow in popularity here in the States. Miller is also on the lookout for more fusion restaurants. She clearly likes lots of flavors on one plate. To read the complete article, click here. Labels: food
More Ethnic Cuisine
 This week, Dr. Ro wrote an article on how to eat out healthy by eating ethnic cuisine. We came across this article that reveals Food Network stars dishing on their favorite ethnic cuisines. Iron Chef, Masaharu Morimoto thinks that Japanese cuisine is going to continue to grow in popularity. Specifically he thinks shochu (similar to vodka but half the strength) will gain in popularity. Robin Miller of Quick Fix Meals thinks Spanish tapas-style meals will grow in popularity here in the States. Miller is also on the lookout for more fusion restaurants. She clearly likes lots of flavors on one plate. To read the complete article, click here. Labels: food
More Ethnic Cuisine
 This week, Dr. Ro wrote an article on how to eat out healthy by eating ethnic cuisine. We came across this article that reveals Food Network stars dishing on their favorite ethnic cuisines. Iron Chef, Masaharu Morimoto thinks that Japanese cuisine is going to continue to grow in popularity. Specifically he thinks shochu (similar to vodka but half the strength) will gain in popularity. Robin Miller of Quick Fix Meals thinks Spanish tapas-style meals will grow in popularity here in the States. Miller is also on the lookout for more fusion restaurants. She clearly likes lots of flavors on one plate. To read the complete article, click here. Labels: food
Do Families Eat Together?
 A study from Harris Interactive for SuperTarget says 47% of families eat together 5 to 6 times a week. Another 28% say they eat together 7 or more times per week. Only 3% percent say they never eat together and only 8% say they eat together once or twice per week. Do you find this surprising? How many times per week do you and your family eat together? Go ahead and talk about it on our message board. Click here to see the full chart. Labels: family, food, study
Do Families Eat Together?
 A study from Harris Interactive for SuperTarget says 47% of families eat together 5 to 6 times a week. Another 28% say they eat together 7 or more times per week. Only 3% percent say they never eat together and only 8% say they eat together once or twice per week. Do you find this surprising? How many times per week do you and your family eat together? Go ahead and talk about it on our message board. Click here to see the full chart. Labels: family, food, study
Do Families Eat Together?
 A study from Harris Interactive for SuperTarget says 47% of families eat together 5 to 6 times a week. Another 28% say they eat together 7 or more times per week. Only 3% percent say they never eat together and only 8% say they eat together once or twice per week. Do you find this surprising? How many times per week do you and your family eat together? Go ahead and talk about it on our message board. Click here to see the full chart. Labels: family, food, study
Chocolate Price Fixing?
 Did you feel ripped off yesterday when you slapped down your hard-earned cash for that heart-shaped box of chocolates? It seems others feel you're getting ripped off too. The German Federal Cartel Office have raided the offices of seven of leading chocolate companies including Mars, Kraft Foods and Nestle. Canada's Competition Bureau searched the offices of several companies, many of the same ones as in Germany. There has also been American lawsuits accusing chocolate companies of violating antitrust laws. The German Cartel Office says if they find evidence of collaboration, the companies face possible fines of up to 10% of their annual income. To read the entire article from USA Today, click here. Labels: food, news
Chocolate Price Fixing?
 Did you feel ripped off yesterday when you slapped down your hard-earned cash for that heart-shaped box of chocolates? It seems others feel you're getting ripped off too. The German Federal Cartel Office have raided the offices of seven of leading chocolate companies including Mars, Kraft Foods and Nestle. Canada's Competition Bureau searched the offices of several companies, many of the same ones as in Germany. There has also been American lawsuits accusing chocolate companies of violating antitrust laws. The German Cartel Office says if they find evidence of collaboration, the companies face possible fines of up to 10% of their annual income. To read the entire article from USA Today, click here. Labels: food, news
Chocolate Price Fixing?
 Did you feel ripped off yesterday when you slapped down your hard-earned cash for that heart-shaped box of chocolates? It seems others feel you're getting ripped off too. The German Federal Cartel Office have raided the offices of seven of leading chocolate companies including Mars, Kraft Foods and Nestle. Canada's Competition Bureau searched the offices of several companies, many of the same ones as in Germany. There has also been American lawsuits accusing chocolate companies of violating antitrust laws. The German Cartel Office says if they find evidence of collaboration, the companies face possible fines of up to 10% of their annual income. To read the entire article from USA Today, click here. Labels: food, news
Valentine's Day Recipes
 Looking to make a special meal for your sweetheart? The good people at FoodTV has an entire section of their website dedicated to Valentine's recipes for two. They've got it broken down into several sections, including Recipes for Romance, Kids Corner, Five Valentine's Cookies from One Simple Dough, Our Romantic Valentine's Dinner for Two, and more. There's also videos you can watch, including The Freaky Deaky Love Potion. Are you making your spouse a special dinner for Valentine's Day? Click here to go to the FoodTV page. Labels: food, holidays, romance
Valentine's Day Recipes
 Looking to make a special meal for your sweetheart? The good people at FoodTV has an entire section of their website dedicated to Valentine's recipes for two. They've got it broken down into several sections, including Recipes for Romance, Kids Corner, Five Valentine's Cookies from One Simple Dough, Our Romantic Valentine's Dinner for Two, and more. There's also videos you can watch, including The Freaky Deaky Love Potion. Are you making your spouse a special dinner for Valentine's Day? Click here to go to the FoodTV page. Labels: food, holidays, romance
Valentine's Day Recipes
 Looking to make a special meal for your sweetheart? The good people at FoodTV has an entire section of their website dedicated to Valentine's recipes for two. They've got it broken down into several sections, including Recipes for Romance, Kids Corner, Five Valentine's Cookies from One Simple Dough, Our Romantic Valentine's Dinner for Two, and more. There's also videos you can watch, including The Freaky Deaky Love Potion. Are you making your spouse a special dinner for Valentine's Day? Click here to go to the FoodTV page. Labels: food, holidays, romance
Buying the Best Chocolate for Your Valentine
Yahoo! Personals has an article about how to buy the best chocolate. The author defines five characteristics to keep an eye on. The first and noted most important is the freshness of the chocolate. To avoid months old chocolate, the author recommends avoiding supermarkets and instead patronizing specialty chocolate shops. Another item of note is to not worry about any diet! Well, unless your spouse is a diabetic, in which case he says there are few low-glycemic index chocolates. Finally, another item to look out for is flavor. Make sure you get a flavor that your spouse likes. What's wrong with pure dark chocolate? Hitched says not a thing. Labels: food, holidays, romance
Buying the Best Chocolate for Your Valentine
Yahoo! Personals has an article about how to buy the best chocolate. The author defines five characteristics to keep an eye on. The first and noted most important is the freshness of the chocolate. To avoid months old chocolate, the author recommends avoiding supermarkets and instead patronizing specialty chocolate shops. Another item of note is to not worry about any diet! Well, unless your spouse is a diabetic, in which case he says there are few low-glycemic index chocolates. Finally, another item to look out for is flavor. Make sure you get a flavor that your spouse likes. What's wrong with pure dark chocolate? Hitched says not a thing. Labels: food, holidays, romance
Buying the Best Chocolate for Your Valentine
Yahoo! Personals has an article about how to buy the best chocolate. The author defines five characteristics to keep an eye on. The first and noted most important is the freshness of the chocolate. To avoid months old chocolate, the author recommends avoiding supermarkets and instead patronizing specialty chocolate shops. Another item of note is to not worry about any diet! Well, unless your spouse is a diabetic, in which case he says there are few low-glycemic index chocolates. Finally, another item to look out for is flavor. Make sure you get a flavor that your spouse likes. What's wrong with pure dark chocolate? Hitched says not a thing. Labels: food, holidays, romance
Coffee May Boost Miscarriage Risk
 A team of researchers working at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, Calif. concluded that a daily habit of drinking 200 milligrams of caffeine--about two cups of coffee--significantly increases the risk of miscarriage. It's about the caffeine more than it's about the coffee. The researchers say it didn't matter what the source of caffeine was: sodas, tea or coffee; just that once pregnant women crossed the 200 mg threshold, their pregnancy became in danger. The following two paragraphs are from the story which appeared on MSNBC: In the study, published in Monday’s issue of the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Li's team interviewed 1,063 women in the San Francisco area who became pregnant between 1996 and 1998 about their caffeine intake. While 164 of the women drank 200 mg of caffeine or more daily, 635 consumed some caffeine but less than 200 mg. The remaining 264 women said they didn’t consume any caffeine.
Overall, 172 of the women suffered a miscarriage. The risk of a miscarriage was more than double in women who consumed 200 mg or more of caffeine, with 25 percent suffering a miscarriage compared to just 12 percent of women who didn't consume caffeine. The low-caffeine drinkers also appeared to have an elevated risk of miscarriage, but this trend wasn't statistically significant, meaning the researchers could not rule out that it was merely due to chance. Click here to read the full article. Labels: food, health, parenting, study
Coffee May Boost Miscarriage Risk
 A team of researchers working at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, Calif. concluded that a daily habit of drinking 200 milligrams of caffeine--about two cups of coffee--significantly increases the risk of miscarriage. It's about the caffeine more than it's about the coffee. The researchers say it didn't matter what the source of caffeine was: sodas, tea or coffee; just that once pregnant women crossed the 200 mg threshold, their pregnancy became in danger. The following two paragraphs are from the story which appeared on MSNBC: In the study, published in Monday’s issue of the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Li's team interviewed 1,063 women in the San Francisco area who became pregnant between 1996 and 1998 about their caffeine intake. While 164 of the women drank 200 mg of caffeine or more daily, 635 consumed some caffeine but less than 200 mg. The remaining 264 women said they didn’t consume any caffeine.
Overall, 172 of the women suffered a miscarriage. The risk of a miscarriage was more than double in women who consumed 200 mg or more of caffeine, with 25 percent suffering a miscarriage compared to just 12 percent of women who didn't consume caffeine. The low-caffeine drinkers also appeared to have an elevated risk of miscarriage, but this trend wasn't statistically significant, meaning the researchers could not rule out that it was merely due to chance. Click here to read the full article. Labels: food, health, parenting, study
Coffee May Boost Miscarriage Risk
 A team of researchers working at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, Calif. concluded that a daily habit of drinking 200 milligrams of caffeine--about two cups of coffee--significantly increases the risk of miscarriage. It's about the caffeine more than it's about the coffee. The researchers say it didn't matter what the source of caffeine was: sodas, tea or coffee; just that once pregnant women crossed the 200 mg threshold, their pregnancy became in danger. The following two paragraphs are from the story which appeared on MSNBC: In the study, published in Monday’s issue of the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Li's team interviewed 1,063 women in the San Francisco area who became pregnant between 1996 and 1998 about their caffeine intake. While 164 of the women drank 200 mg of caffeine or more daily, 635 consumed some caffeine but less than 200 mg. The remaining 264 women said they didn’t consume any caffeine.
Overall, 172 of the women suffered a miscarriage. The risk of a miscarriage was more than double in women who consumed 200 mg or more of caffeine, with 25 percent suffering a miscarriage compared to just 12 percent of women who didn't consume caffeine. The low-caffeine drinkers also appeared to have an elevated risk of miscarriage, but this trend wasn't statistically significant, meaning the researchers could not rule out that it was merely due to chance. Click here to read the full article. Labels: food, health, parenting, study
BeerTender Hits Shore, Soon
 When you think of Krups you probably think coffee. When you think Heineken you're talkin' beer. Well, the two companies have paired together to offer home beer drinkers (like there's a market there) a fridge/keg system that offers cold beer on tap. This post from Engadget says the 5-liter Heineken keg will stay fresh for 30 days. We know the holidays have passed, but I'm sure there's a lot of husbands who wouldn't mind walking into the kitchen to find one of these on the countertop. It'll run you $400, though. Don't worry, you'll have time to save since it's only currently available in Europe and won't hit U.S. shores until March at Williams-Sonoma and everywhere else in April. Labels: food, gadget
BeerTender Hits Shore, Soon
 When you think of Krups you probably think coffee. When you think Heineken you're talkin' beer. Well, the two companies have paired together to offer home beer drinkers (like there's a market there) a fridge/keg system that offers cold beer on tap. This post from Engadget says the 5-liter Heineken keg will stay fresh for 30 days. We know the holidays have passed, but I'm sure there's a lot of husbands who wouldn't mind walking into the kitchen to find one of these on the countertop. It'll run you $400, though. Don't worry, you'll have time to save since it's only currently available in Europe and won't hit U.S. shores until March at Williams-Sonoma and everywhere else in April. Labels: food, gadget
BeerTender Hits Shore, Soon
 When you think of Krups you probably think coffee. When you think Heineken you're talkin' beer. Well, the two companies have paired together to offer home beer drinkers (like there's a market there) a fridge/keg system that offers cold beer on tap. This post from Engadget says the 5-liter Heineken keg will stay fresh for 30 days. We know the holidays have passed, but I'm sure there's a lot of husbands who wouldn't mind walking into the kitchen to find one of these on the countertop. It'll run you $400, though. Don't worry, you'll have time to save since it's only currently available in Europe and won't hit U.S. shores until March at Williams-Sonoma and everywhere else in April. Labels: food, gadget
In The Spirit of Thanksgiving: Wine TV
 Hey everyone, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I'd pass along a really fun and informative wine video blog I've been watching for the past several weeks. The host of the show is Gary Vaynerchuk or Vay-ner-chuk, director of operations at the Wine Library. Amazingly, Gary produces a new video blog every day! The videos are always entertaining and his descriptions of the smell and taste are vivid and encompassing. When Gary's done describing a wine, there's no doubt you'll know what you're getting when you pick up that bottle. Gary's never short of NY Jets references in his quest to build his army of Vaniacs to change the wine world. --Steve Labels: advice, food
In The Spirit of Thanksgiving: Wine TV
 Hey everyone, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I'd pass along a really fun and informative wine video blog I've been watching for the past several weeks. The host of the show is Gary Vaynerchuk or Vay-ner-chuk, director of operations at the Wine Library. Amazingly, Gary produces a new video blog every day! The videos are always entertaining and his descriptions of the smell and taste are vivid and encompassing. When Gary's done describing a wine, there's no doubt you'll know what you're getting when you pick up that bottle. Gary's never short of NY Jets references in his quest to build his army of Vaniacs to change the wine world. --Steve Labels: advice, food
In The Spirit of Thanksgiving: Wine TV
 Hey everyone, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I'd pass along a really fun and informative wine video blog I've been watching for the past several weeks. The host of the show is Gary Vaynerchuk or Vay-ner-chuk, director of operations at the Wine Library. Amazingly, Gary produces a new video blog every day! The videos are always entertaining and his descriptions of the smell and taste are vivid and encompassing. When Gary's done describing a wine, there's no doubt you'll know what you're getting when you pick up that bottle. Gary's never short of NY Jets references in his quest to build his army of Vaniacs to change the wine world. --Steve Labels: advice, food
The Orgasmic Diet
 I know, I thought it was a daily dose of In-N-Out Double Doubles, animal style (it's a west coast thing), but it's not. Marrena Lindberg is a diet & fitness coach on AOL and also the author of "The Orgasmic Diet," a nutrition and exercise program designed to regulate a woman's brain chemistry and body functioning and bring her to mind-blowing orgasm. Here's a little taste of what her book has to offer: Women on a typical high-carb, high-fat diet are literally starving for dopamine, the "feel good" neurotransmitter, hormone and key to all things sensual. Now you're thinking, How do I get my hands on that stuff? Fish oil supplements. Take 500 mg or more with the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA daily.
...Researchers have shown that women who eat a small amount of high-quality dark chocolate every day have better sex lives. Dark chocolate contains chemical compounds that mimic the chemistry produced by that I'm-in-love feeling. That was a nice little tidbit. So what do you think? If your body only performs as well as the fuel you put into it, it makes sense that it would affect your sex drive. Do you have a "sexual" diet you adhere when trying to get in the mood or improve performance? Labels: advice, food, health, sex
The Orgasmic Diet
 I know, I thought it was a daily dose of In-N-Out Double Doubles, animal style (it's a west coast thing), but it's not. Marrena Lindberg is a diet & fitness coach on AOL and also the author of "The Orgasmic Diet," a nutrition and exercise program designed to regulate a woman's brain chemistry and body functioning and bring her to mind-blowing orgasm. Here's a little taste of what her book has to offer: Women on a typical high-carb, high-fat diet are literally starving for dopamine, the "feel good" neurotransmitter, hormone and key to all things sensual. Now you're thinking, How do I get my hands on that stuff? Fish oil supplements. Take 500 mg or more with the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA daily.
...Researchers have shown that women who eat a small amount of high-quality dark chocolate every day have better sex lives. Dark chocolate contains chemical compounds that mimic the chemistry produced by that I'm-in-love feeling. That was a nice little tidbit. So what do you think? If your body only performs as well as the fuel you put into it, it makes sense that it would affect your sex drive. Do you have a "sexual" diet you adhere when trying to get in the mood or improve performance? Labels: advice, food, health, sex
The Orgasmic Diet
 I know, I thought it was a daily dose of In-N-Out Double Doubles, animal style (it's a west coast thing), but it's not. Marrena Lindberg is a diet & fitness coach on AOL and also the author of "The Orgasmic Diet," a nutrition and exercise program designed to regulate a woman's brain chemistry and body functioning and bring her to mind-blowing orgasm. Here's a little taste of what her book has to offer: Women on a typical high-carb, high-fat diet are literally starving for dopamine, the "feel good" neurotransmitter, hormone and key to all things sensual. Now you're thinking, How do I get my hands on that stuff? Fish oil supplements. Take 500 mg or more with the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA daily.
...Researchers have shown that women who eat a small amount of high-quality dark chocolate every day have better sex lives. Dark chocolate contains chemical compounds that mimic the chemistry produced by that I'm-in-love feeling. That was a nice little tidbit. So what do you think? If your body only performs as well as the fuel you put into it, it makes sense that it would affect your sex drive. Do you have a "sexual" diet you adhere when trying to get in the mood or improve performance? Labels: advice, food, health, sex
 During the holiday season it's very common to stumble upon a great recipe and immediately want to print it out and share with all your friends. Another scenario is friends and relatives asking you to make that same great dish you make every year. Have we come across a great gift option for you. TasteBook is a new site that launched with the help of CondeNet and Epicurious. This site allows you to take saved recipes, bundle them together and print out your very own cookbook. You can pick from over 20,000 recipes from Epicurious, which also includes recipes from Bon Appetit magazine and Gourmet magazine. Each book comes with 100 recipes, but because this hardcover book is constructed with a spiral-like notebook inside, you can start with say 30 recipes and add the other 70 to your book as you find them later. You can also share and e-mail your recipes to friends. A book with 100 recipes is $34.95. Labels: food
 During the holiday season it's very common to stumble upon a great recipe and immediately want to print it out and share with all your friends. Another scenario is friends and relatives asking you to make that same great dish you make every year. Have we come across a great gift option for you. TasteBook is a new site that launched with the help of CondeNet and Epicurious. This site allows you to take saved recipes, bundle them together and print out your very own cookbook. You can pick from over 20,000 recipes from Epicurious, which also includes recipes from Bon Appetit magazine and Gourmet magazine. Each book comes with 100 recipes, but because this hardcover book is constructed with a spiral-like notebook inside, you can start with say 30 recipes and add the other 70 to your book as you find them later. You can also share and e-mail your recipes to friends. A book with 100 recipes is $34.95. Labels: food
 During the holiday season it's very common to stumble upon a great recipe and immediately want to print it out and share with all your friends. Another scenario is friends and relatives asking you to make that same great dish you make every year. Have we come across a great gift option for you. TasteBook is a new site that launched with the help of CondeNet and Epicurious. This site allows you to take saved recipes, bundle them together and print out your very own cookbook. You can pick from over 20,000 recipes from Epicurious, which also includes recipes from Bon Appetit magazine and Gourmet magazine. Each book comes with 100 recipes, but because this hardcover book is constructed with a spiral-like notebook inside, you can start with say 30 recipes and add the other 70 to your book as you find them later. You can also share and e-mail your recipes to friends. A book with 100 recipes is $34.95. Labels: food
Processed Meat Boosts Cancer Risk
 A five year report by the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund conducted by an international panel of experts reviewing more than 7,000 subjects found that excess body fat increases the risk of cancer of the colon, kidney, pancreas, esophagus and uterus as well as postmenopausal breast cancer. Moreover, the report linked processed meat to cancer. Particularly, every 1.7 ounces of processed meat consumed a day increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 21%. The article from USA Today suggests there could be several reasons why processed meats may increase cancer risk. Carcinogens have been linked to smoked meat and the nitrates and excess salt in processed meats. Basically they recommend that you don't eat hot dogs or pepperoni pizza every day, but that the occasional steak won't kill you. The full report can be found at www.dietandcancerreport.orgLabels: food, health, study
Processed Meat Boosts Cancer Risk
 A five year report by the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund conducted by an international panel of experts reviewing more than 7,000 subjects found that excess body fat increases the risk of cancer of the colon, kidney, pancreas, esophagus and uterus as well as postmenopausal breast cancer. Moreover, the report linked processed meat to cancer. Particularly, every 1.7 ounces of processed meat consumed a day increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 21%. The article from USA Today suggests there could be several reasons why processed meats may increase cancer risk. Carcinogens have been linked to smoked meat and the nitrates and excess salt in processed meats. Basically they recommend that you don't eat hot dogs or pepperoni pizza every day, but that the occasional steak won't kill you. The full report can be found at www.dietandcancerreport.orgLabels: food, health, study
Processed Meat Boosts Cancer Risk
 A five year report by the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund conducted by an international panel of experts reviewing more than 7,000 subjects found that excess body fat increases the risk of cancer of the colon, kidney, pancreas, esophagus and uterus as well as postmenopausal breast cancer. Moreover, the report linked processed meat to cancer. Particularly, every 1.7 ounces of processed meat consumed a day increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 21%. The article from USA Today suggests there could be several reasons why processed meats may increase cancer risk. Carcinogens have been linked to smoked meat and the nitrates and excess salt in processed meats. Basically they recommend that you don't eat hot dogs or pepperoni pizza every day, but that the occasional steak won't kill you. The full report can be found at www.dietandcancerreport.orgLabels: food, health, study
What's Your Halloween Candy Personality?
 We've probably gone a little overboard with all this Halloween coverage. But since we've already gone overboard, one more story can't hurt, right? The Washington Post has put together a personality sheet based on the candy you purchase. Here's a breakdown of some candy personality descriptions. 3 Musketeers: Does well in groups but is somewhat pompous. Prone to fancy costumes and arcane weapons. Wears hats in public that are ill-advised. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups: Generous souls. Those who understand the salty in life, as well as the sweet. Twizzlers: Sickos. Truly demented. Plastic people living plastic lives. Twix: Both brittle and supple in social situations; sort of trapped between personality types. For the full rundown click here.Labels: food, fun, holidays
What's Your Halloween Candy Personality?
 We've probably gone a little overboard with all this Halloween coverage. But since we've already gone overboard, one more story can't hurt, right? The Washington Post has put together a personality sheet based on the candy you purchase. Here's a breakdown of some candy personality descriptions. 3 Musketeers: Does well in groups but is somewhat pompous. Prone to fancy costumes and arcane weapons. Wears hats in public that are ill-advised. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups: Generous souls. Those who understand the salty in life, as well as the sweet. Twizzlers: Sickos. Truly demented. Plastic people living plastic lives. Twix: Both brittle and supple in social situations; sort of trapped between personality types. For the full rundown click here.Labels: food, fun, holidays
What's Your Halloween Candy Personality?
 We've probably gone a little overboard with all this Halloween coverage. But since we've already gone overboard, one more story can't hurt, right? The Washington Post has put together a personality sheet based on the candy you purchase. Here's a breakdown of some candy personality descriptions. 3 Musketeers: Does well in groups but is somewhat pompous. Prone to fancy costumes and arcane weapons. Wears hats in public that are ill-advised. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups: Generous souls. Those who understand the salty in life, as well as the sweet. Twizzlers: Sickos. Truly demented. Plastic people living plastic lives. Twix: Both brittle and supple in social situations; sort of trapped between personality types. For the full rundown click here.Labels: food, fun, holidays
Marriage Makes You Fat
 Obesity researcher, Penny Gordon-Larsen says that recently married men and women in their late teens and early 20s gain more weight on average over five years than their single counterparts in the same age group. A typical married man packs on 30 pounds during that period, compared to the 24 pounds by non-marrieds. Married women add 24 pounds, compared to the 15 pounds of their single counterparts. Nearly 8,000 married couples were surveyed. Experts in Canada's Times Colonist say that the reason for the added pounds is because of changed routines--bigger meals, less time to exercise, etc. It also says that we typically bond with others who have similar habits, so we you plump up, you can bet your spouse will too. Labels: food, health, study
Marriage Makes You Fat
 Obesity researcher, Penny Gordon-Larsen says that recently married men and women in their late teens and early 20s gain more weight on average over five years than their single counterparts in the same age group. A typical married man packs on 30 pounds during that period, compared to the 24 pounds by non-marrieds. Married women add 24 pounds, compared to the 15 pounds of their single counterparts. Nearly 8,000 married couples were surveyed. Experts in Canada's Times Colonist say that the reason for the added pounds is because of changed routines--bigger meals, less time to exercise, etc. It also says that we typically bond with others who have similar habits, so we you plump up, you can bet your spouse will too. Labels: food, health, study
Marriage Makes You Fat
 Obesity researcher, Penny Gordon-Larsen says that recently married men and women in their late teens and early 20s gain more weight on average over five years than their single counterparts in the same age group. A typical married man packs on 30 pounds during that period, compared to the 24 pounds by non-marrieds. Married women add 24 pounds, compared to the 15 pounds of their single counterparts. Nearly 8,000 married couples were surveyed. Experts in Canada's Times Colonist say that the reason for the added pounds is because of changed routines--bigger meals, less time to exercise, etc. It also says that we typically bond with others who have similar habits, so we you plump up, you can bet your spouse will too. Labels: food, health, study
Chocolate Cravings Explained
 You might need a glass of milk to read this post. New research by Nestle (yes, that Nestle) say they may have figured out why some people crave chocolate. It's a gut thing. Or to be specific, it's caused by the type of bacteria inside your stomach. A group of 11 non-chocolate craving men and 11 chocolate loving men were tested. Perhaps the most interesting finding was that the men who ate chocolate had lower levels of LD (bad cholesterol). As if we needed another excuse to each chocolate. Read the full article here. Labels: food, health, news, study
Chocolate Cravings Explained
 You might need a glass of milk to read this post. New research by Nestle (yes, that Nestle) say they may have figured out why some people crave chocolate. It's a gut thing. Or to be specific, it's caused by the type of bacteria inside your stomach. A group of 11 non-chocolate craving men and 11 chocolate loving men were tested. Perhaps the most interesting finding was that the men who ate chocolate had lower levels of LD (bad cholesterol). As if we needed another excuse to each chocolate. Read the full article here. Labels: food, health, news, study
Chocolate Cravings Explained
 You might need a glass of milk to read this post. New research by Nestle (yes, that Nestle) say they may have figured out why some people crave chocolate. It's a gut thing. Or to be specific, it's caused by the type of bacteria inside your stomach. A group of 11 non-chocolate craving men and 11 chocolate loving men were tested. Perhaps the most interesting finding was that the men who ate chocolate had lower levels of LD (bad cholesterol). As if we needed another excuse to each chocolate. Read the full article here. Labels: food, health, news, study
4 Foods to Fight Breast Cancer
 Just about everywhere you turn right now, you're seeing pink. Why? It's breast cancer awareness month. Self magazine has an article on Yahoo! Health that discusses four foods that have been clinically shown to fight breast cancer, and a few that may increase your risk. For the foods that fight! Fish, cruciferous vegetables (Broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are good choices), berries, and whole grains (the article says to shoot for 25 grams per day). For the items to avoid, this article says overeating read meat, and two alcoholic drinks a day. Get all the details here. Labels: advice, food, health, study
4 Foods to Fight Breast Cancer
 Just about everywhere you turn right now, you're seeing pink. Why? It's breast cancer awareness month. Self magazine has an article on Yahoo! Health that discusses four foods that have been clinically shown to fight breast cancer, and a few that may increase your risk. For the foods that fight! Fish, cruciferous vegetables (Broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are good choices), berries, and whole grains (the article says to shoot for 25 grams per day). For the items to avoid, this article says overeating read meat, and two alcoholic drinks a day. Get all the details here. Labels: advice, food, health, study
4 Foods to Fight Breast Cancer
 Just about everywhere you turn right now, you're seeing pink. Why? It's breast cancer awareness month. Self magazine has an article on Yahoo! Health that discusses four foods that have been clinically shown to fight breast cancer, and a few that may increase your risk. For the foods that fight! Fish, cruciferous vegetables (Broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are good choices), berries, and whole grains (the article says to shoot for 25 grams per day). For the items to avoid, this article says overeating read meat, and two alcoholic drinks a day. Get all the details here. Labels: advice, food, health, study
Get Your Wine On
 Are you a wine lover? Well, now you can play with it. Beginners Wine DS for the Nintendo DS is launching to help wine lovers and particularly those just getting into wine, make the right selection. The game goes over a lot of the basics, including step-by-step instructions on choosing a bottle for a romantic dinner, and how to correctly swirl a glass when wine tasting. The game is slated to hit store shelves Nov. 15 to coincide with this year's release of Beaujolais Nouveau, a globally popular seasonal French wine. So cheers! Labels: entertainment, food
Get Your Wine On
 Are you a wine lover? Well, now you can play with it. Beginners Wine DS for the Nintendo DS is launching to help wine lovers and particularly those just getting into wine, make the right selection. The game goes over a lot of the basics, including step-by-step instructions on choosing a bottle for a romantic dinner, and how to correctly swirl a glass when wine tasting. The game is slated to hit store shelves Nov. 15 to coincide with this year's release of Beaujolais Nouveau, a globally popular seasonal French wine. So cheers! Labels: entertainment, food
Get Your Wine On
 Are you a wine lover? Well, now you can play with it. Beginners Wine DS for the Nintendo DS is launching to help wine lovers and particularly those just getting into wine, make the right selection. The game goes over a lot of the basics, including step-by-step instructions on choosing a bottle for a romantic dinner, and how to correctly swirl a glass when wine tasting. The game is slated to hit store shelves Nov. 15 to coincide with this year's release of Beaujolais Nouveau, a globally popular seasonal French wine. So cheers! Labels: entertainment, food
Stop Blindness With Breakfast
 Protein found in some leafy greens, like spinach, and also found in eggs have been shown to prevent the most common onset of blindness. Researchers say it's the two nutrients in them, lutein and zeaxanthin, are both carotenoids — compounds that give many fruits and vegetables a yellow color. A full list of the foods that are considered good sources of the nutrients include eggs, spinach, kale, turnip greens, collard greens, romaine lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, corn, garden peas and Brussels sprouts. Read the full article here. Labels: food, health, news, study
Stop Blindness With Breakfast
 Protein found in some leafy greens, like spinach, and also found in eggs have been shown to prevent the most common onset of blindness. Researchers say it's the two nutrients in them, lutein and zeaxanthin, are both carotenoids — compounds that give many fruits and vegetables a yellow color. A full list of the foods that are considered good sources of the nutrients include eggs, spinach, kale, turnip greens, collard greens, romaine lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, corn, garden peas and Brussels sprouts. Read the full article here. Labels: food, health, news, study
Stop Blindness With Breakfast
 Protein found in some leafy greens, like spinach, and also found in eggs have been shown to prevent the most common onset of blindness. Researchers say it's the two nutrients in them, lutein and zeaxanthin, are both carotenoids — compounds that give many fruits and vegetables a yellow color. A full list of the foods that are considered good sources of the nutrients include eggs, spinach, kale, turnip greens, collard greens, romaine lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, corn, garden peas and Brussels sprouts. Read the full article here. Labels: food, health, news, study
Why Women Love The Color Red
 This article from USA Today says they know why women prefer red roses. It's science. Yep, neuroscientists Anya Hurlbert and Yazhu Ling of England's Newcastle University, authored a new study in the journal Current Biology that suggests the color red preference for women is due to evolution. You see, back in the day of men as hunters, women as gatherers, women developed a keen eye for yellow fruit and red edible leaves in the middle of green vegetation. Over time, this ability stuck. Another suggestion made by the scientists are that a woman's intuition is really their ability to pick up slight changes in skin tone (as in blushing and the like) with their sharper sense for the color red. So men, if you think she's reading you like a book--she probably is! Labels: food, news, study
Why Women Love The Color Red
 This article from USA Today says they know why women prefer red roses. It's science. Yep, neuroscientists Anya Hurlbert and Yazhu Ling of England's Newcastle University, authored a new study in the journal Current Biology that suggests the color red preference for women is due to evolution. You see, back in the day of men as hunters, women as gatherers, women developed a keen eye for yellow fruit and red edible leaves in the middle of green vegetation. Over time, this ability stuck. Another suggestion made by the scientists are that a woman's intuition is really their ability to pick up slight changes in skin tone (as in blushing and the like) with their sharper sense for the color red. So men, if you think she's reading you like a book--she probably is! Labels: food, news, study
Why Women Love The Color Red
 This article from USA Today says they know why women prefer red roses. It's science. Yep, neuroscientists Anya Hurlbert and Yazhu Ling of England's Newcastle University, authored a new study in the journal Current Biology that suggests the color red preference for women is due to evolution. You see, back in the day of men as hunters, women as gatherers, women developed a keen eye for yellow fruit and red edible leaves in the middle of green vegetation. Over time, this ability stuck. Another suggestion made by the scientists are that a woman's intuition is really their ability to pick up slight changes in skin tone (as in blushing and the like) with their sharper sense for the color red. So men, if you think she's reading you like a book--she probably is! Labels: food, news, study
Caffeine, Exercise May Fight Skin Cancer
 It's hot out right now and you've probably already experienced your summer sunburn--I know I have. According to scientists at Rutgets University, experiments on mice showed that caffeine and exercise together somehow made them better able to destroy precancerous cells whose DNA had been damaged by ultraviolet-B radiation. Yep, exercise and moderate caffeine consumption together could help ward off sun-induced skin cancer. The article from the OC Register suggests, however, that you shouldn't ditch the sunscreen for the treadmill and a cappuccino. The article also notes that the data is extremely preliminary. Sounds good to me, now I have to go run to the local coffee shop and grab my cafe mocha. Labels: food, health, study
Caffeine, Exercise May Fight Skin Cancer
 It's hot out right now and you've probably already experienced your summer sunburn--I know I have. According to scientists at Rutgets University, experiments on mice showed that caffeine and exercise together somehow made them better able to destroy precancerous cells whose DNA had been damaged by ultraviolet-B radiation. Yep, exercise and moderate caffeine consumption together could help ward off sun-induced skin cancer. The article from the OC Register suggests, however, that you shouldn't ditch the sunscreen for the treadmill and a cappuccino. The article also notes that the data is extremely preliminary. Sounds good to me, now I have to go run to the local coffee shop and grab my cafe mocha. Labels: food, health, study
Caffeine, Exercise May Fight Skin Cancer
 It's hot out right now and you've probably already experienced your summer sunburn--I know I have. According to scientists at Rutgets University, experiments on mice showed that caffeine and exercise together somehow made them better able to destroy precancerous cells whose DNA had been damaged by ultraviolet-B radiation. Yep, exercise and moderate caffeine consumption together could help ward off sun-induced skin cancer. The article from the OC Register suggests, however, that you shouldn't ditch the sunscreen for the treadmill and a cappuccino. The article also notes that the data is extremely preliminary. Sounds good to me, now I have to go run to the local coffee shop and grab my cafe mocha. Labels: food, health, study
Tricked Out Ramen
 As a young married couple, we know, you probably don't have tons of money. That's why when we saw this article on Yahoo! we thought our readers might appreciate it. The staple of every college dorm room Ramen, has now grown up. Check out this recipe for Ramen Noodles with Peanut Sambal. Ramen Noodles with Peanut Sambal 4-6 servings
2 packages instant ramen noodles 1 tablespoon peanut oil 2 garlic cloves, minced kernels from 2 cobs of sweet corn 1 jalapeno, chopped with seeds and ribs removed 2 bok choy or 1 cup cabbage, cut into thin slices lengthwise 4 scallions, chopped 1/2 cup soy sauce 1/2 head of iceberg lettuce, thinly sliced
1. Bring water to a boil in a large pot. Add the noodles and boil until al dente, about three minutes. Drain, reserving the liquid.
2. Heat the oil in a saute pan. Add the garlic, corn, and jalapeno and saute until the garlic is golden, about 2 minutes, then add the bok choy and scallions and saute another 2 minutes. Add the cooked noodles, soy sauce, and half of the reserved cooking liquid. Toss well.
3. Transfer the noodles to a large bowl. Top with iceberg lettuce and peanut sambal and serve.
Sorry, you're going to have to go to Yahoo! to get the recipe for Sambal. Click here.Labels: advice, food
Tricked Out Ramen
 As a young married couple, we know, you probably don't have tons of money. That's why when we saw this article on Yahoo! we thought our readers might appreciate it. The staple of every college dorm room Ramen, has now grown up. Check out this recipe for Ramen Noodles with Peanut Sambal. Ramen Noodles with Peanut Sambal 4-6 servings
2 packages instant ramen noodles 1 tablespoon peanut oil 2 garlic cloves, minced kernels from 2 cobs of sweet corn 1 jalapeno, chopped with seeds and ribs removed 2 bok choy or 1 cup cabbage, cut into thin slices lengthwise 4 scallions, chopped 1/2 cup soy sauce 1/2 head of iceberg lettuce, thinly sliced
1. Bring water to a boil in a large pot. Add the noodles and boil until al dente, about three minutes. Drain, reserving the liquid.
2. Heat the oil in a saute pan. Add the garlic, corn, and jalapeno and saute until the garlic is golden, about 2 minutes, then add the bok choy and scallions and saute another 2 minutes. Add the cooked noodles, soy sauce, and half of the reserved cooking liquid. Toss well.
3. Transfer the noodles to a large bowl. Top with iceberg lettuce and peanut sambal and serve.
Sorry, you're going to have to go to Yahoo! to get the recipe for Sambal. Click here.Labels: advice, food
Tricked Out Ramen
 As a young married couple, we know, you probably don't have tons of money. That's why when we saw this article on Yahoo! we thought our readers might appreciate it. The staple of every college dorm room Ramen, has now grown up. Check out this recipe for Ramen Noodles with Peanut Sambal. Ramen Noodles with Peanut Sambal 4-6 servings
2 packages instant ramen noodles 1 tablespoon peanut oil 2 garlic cloves, minced kernels from 2 cobs of sweet corn 1 jalapeno, chopped with seeds and ribs removed 2 bok choy or 1 cup cabbage, cut into thin slices lengthwise 4 scallions, chopped 1/2 cup soy sauce 1/2 head of iceberg lettuce, thinly sliced
1. Bring water to a boil in a large pot. Add the noodles and boil until al dente, about three minutes. Drain, reserving the liquid.
2. Heat the oil in a saute pan. Add the garlic, corn, and jalapeno and saute until the garlic is golden, about 2 minutes, then add the bok choy and scallions and saute another 2 minutes. Add the cooked noodles, soy sauce, and half of the reserved cooking liquid. Toss well.
3. Transfer the noodles to a large bowl. Top with iceberg lettuce and peanut sambal and serve.
Sorry, you're going to have to go to Yahoo! to get the recipe for Sambal. Click here.Labels: advice, food
BBQ Wines
 When you think barbecue, you usually think beer and Q. But if you want to try a little something different this weekend, try crackin' open a bottle. With the hot weather, the OC Register recommends trying something white or fruity. A Zinfandel or Shiraz could be just what your piece of smoked meat needs. To get more details or see what fits with what--salmon and Pinot Noir are perfect together, for example-- check out the full article. Labels: advice, entertainment, food
BBQ Wines
 When you think barbecue, you usually think beer and Q. But if you want to try a little something different this weekend, try crackin' open a bottle. With the hot weather, the OC Register recommends trying something white or fruity. A Zinfandel or Shiraz could be just what your piece of smoked meat needs. To get more details or see what fits with what--salmon and Pinot Noir are perfect together, for example-- check out the full article. Labels: advice, entertainment, food
BBQ Wines
 When you think barbecue, you usually think beer and Q. But if you want to try a little something different this weekend, try crackin' open a bottle. With the hot weather, the OC Register recommends trying something white or fruity. A Zinfandel or Shiraz could be just what your piece of smoked meat needs. To get more details or see what fits with what--salmon and Pinot Noir are perfect together, for example-- check out the full article. Labels: advice, entertainment, food
Folic Acid Doesn't Prevent Precancerous Polyps
 You know how these things go, one day you hear one thing, the next day the results are opposite. You may have heard about this before or not, but apparently high doses of folic acid do not prevent precancerous colon polyps in people prone to them and may actually increase the risk of developing the growths, a new study from Hitchcock Medical Center reveals. It's the latest evidence that taking too many vitamins may be harmful. Last month, a study linked heavy vitamin use to fatal prostate cancer, and other research has shown beta-carotene pills can heighten smokers' risk of lung cancer. The results surprised scientists. Previous studies showed diets low in folic acid led to a higher risk of colon cancer. Now researchers speculate that some folic acid helps as long as the colon is free of microscopic cancer cells. Feel better now? Click here to read the full article.Labels: food, health, news