Surprising Your Spouse With Understanding
The art of surprise begins with understanding the way we are biologically.

Why do I always get the same reactions from my spouse?
For some wonderful and maddening reason, nature has decided that women and men excel in having different attitudes when perceiving the world; women, in general, are better at listening (auditory skills), while men are better at seeing (visual skills). These differences, no doubt, contribute to the survival of the species, but can lead to predictable frustrations with your spouse unless you are willing to learn how to surprise him or her.
Justifying Your Child's Behavior
3 ways to settle disputes when kids are in the middle.
Commitment, A Series of Processes
Making a commitment is not just a decision, it’s a process with many factors weighting in.
3 Ways To Put Sex Back Into Your Marriage
Why do I feel like sex is a chore?
Using Sarcasm: A Joke or Just Mean?
Why do I make sarcastic remarks to my spouse?
Locking Eyes During Sex
Stop Blaming Your Spouse
Feeling Inferior To Your Spouse
How Can I Accept an Imperfect Marriage?
Put a Stop To Your Worrying Mind
Unbalanced Relationship
Putting the Passion Back in Your Marriage
Lose Weight Over the Holidays?
What, Me Worry?
Ask If They're Cheating
Avoiding Your Doctor
Communication Breakdown
Pushing Your Spouse
How to Stop the Badgering
Stressed Out Party Host
Safety Fear
Mission Control
Dealing With Anxiety Attacks
Your Friends Scare Me
Order Anxiety
Why Do I Feel Bad?
Bad Words
Perfect To A Fault
Seeing Things Differently
Small Stuff
Flying With Fear
Abusive Alternatives
Bottled Up
Jealous Again
I Don't Care About The Secret
Procrastination Nation
Not My Holidays
Express Yourself
Super Bowl Neanderthal
Twisted Argument
Resolution Revival
Holiday Drunk
Budget Breakers
Holiday Dread
Energy Vampires
Singled Out
Sparking Passion
Raising Stars
Just Checking
Bad Dreams
House Clutter
Verbally Put Down My Spouse?
Not Trust My Spouse