
Sex Patch for Women Doesn't Work
 Procter & Gamble has created a patch called Intrinsa that increases testosterone levels in women. The patches were denied use in the U.S. back in 2004, but have been used in London. A review released on Tuesday found that the patches appear to not do much to boost a woman's sex drive after menopause and their long-term safety is unclear. The trials were conducted on 4,000 women and only lasted for six months, which is why long-term effects are still unknown. Some women did report small improvements in their sex drive, but so did others who were recieving a placebo. I guess to boost the sex drive it's back to Marvin Gaye. Click here to read the complete article.Labels: health, sex, study, women
Sex Patch for Women Doesn't Work
 Procter & Gamble has created a patch called Intrinsa that increases testosterone levels in women. The patches were denied use in the U.S. back in 2004, but have been used in London. A review released on Tuesday found that the patches appear to not do much to boost a woman's sex drive after menopause and their long-term safety is unclear. The trials were conducted on 4,000 women and only lasted for six months, which is why long-term effects are still unknown. Some women did report small improvements in their sex drive, but so did others who were recieving a placebo. I guess to boost the sex drive it's back to Marvin Gaye. Click here to read the complete article.Labels: health, sex, study, women
Sex Patch for Women Doesn't Work
 Procter & Gamble has created a patch called Intrinsa that increases testosterone levels in women. The patches were denied use in the U.S. back in 2004, but have been used in London. A review released on Tuesday found that the patches appear to not do much to boost a woman's sex drive after menopause and their long-term safety is unclear. The trials were conducted on 4,000 women and only lasted for six months, which is why long-term effects are still unknown. Some women did report small improvements in their sex drive, but so did others who were recieving a placebo. I guess to boost the sex drive it's back to Marvin Gaye. Click here to read the complete article.Labels: health, sex, study, women
Beauty Really is in the Eye of the Beholder
 New research shows that men process beauty on the right side of their brains, while women use their whole brain to do the job. Furthermore, when women consider a visual object they link it to language while men concentrate on the spatial aspects of the object. What's interesting is that while beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder, and beauty is processed differently based on gender, researchers who published these new findings say gender has nothing to do with what people find beautiful. While they're not sure, they conclude people may find beauty in different things based on age, education or some other factor. To read the entire article, click here.Labels: men, study, women
Beauty Really is in the Eye of the Beholder
 New research shows that men process beauty on the right side of their brains, while women use their whole brain to do the job. Furthermore, when women consider a visual object they link it to language while men concentrate on the spatial aspects of the object. What's interesting is that while beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder, and beauty is processed differently based on gender, researchers who published these new findings say gender has nothing to do with what people find beautiful. While they're not sure, they conclude people may find beauty in different things based on age, education or some other factor. To read the entire article, click here.Labels: men, study, women
Beauty Really is in the Eye of the Beholder
 New research shows that men process beauty on the right side of their brains, while women use their whole brain to do the job. Furthermore, when women consider a visual object they link it to language while men concentrate on the spatial aspects of the object. What's interesting is that while beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder, and beauty is processed differently based on gender, researchers who published these new findings say gender has nothing to do with what people find beautiful. While they're not sure, they conclude people may find beauty in different things based on age, education or some other factor. To read the entire article, click here.Labels: men, study, women
Socioemotional Meanings In Sweat
 A new study from Rice University says socioemotional meanings, including sexual ones, are conveyed in human sweat and that women are able to smell and recognize them. That essentially means that humans can communicate through smell, much like animals do. The press release says, "Denise Chen, assistant professor of psychology at Rice, looked at how the brains of female volunteers processed and encoded the smell of sexual sweat from men. The results of the experiment indicated the brain recognizes chemosensory communication, including human sexual sweat." The release goes on to say, "Nineteen healthy female subjects inhaled olfactory stimuli from four sources, one of which was sweat gathered from sexually aroused males. The research showed that several parts of the brain are involved in processing the emotional value of the olfactory information." This kind of report doesn't seem all that surprising, but since this is weight loss season it makes you want to keep your spouse at home instead of watching them head off to the gym. Labels: commentary, men, sex, study, women
Socioemotional Meanings In Sweat
 A new study from Rice University says socioemotional meanings, including sexual ones, are conveyed in human sweat and that women are able to smell and recognize them. That essentially means that humans can communicate through smell, much like animals do. The press release says, "Denise Chen, assistant professor of psychology at Rice, looked at how the brains of female volunteers processed and encoded the smell of sexual sweat from men. The results of the experiment indicated the brain recognizes chemosensory communication, including human sexual sweat." The release goes on to say, "Nineteen healthy female subjects inhaled olfactory stimuli from four sources, one of which was sweat gathered from sexually aroused males. The research showed that several parts of the brain are involved in processing the emotional value of the olfactory information." This kind of report doesn't seem all that surprising, but since this is weight loss season it makes you want to keep your spouse at home instead of watching them head off to the gym. Labels: commentary, men, sex, study, women
Socioemotional Meanings In Sweat
 A new study from Rice University says socioemotional meanings, including sexual ones, are conveyed in human sweat and that women are able to smell and recognize them. That essentially means that humans can communicate through smell, much like animals do. The press release says, "Denise Chen, assistant professor of psychology at Rice, looked at how the brains of female volunteers processed and encoded the smell of sexual sweat from men. The results of the experiment indicated the brain recognizes chemosensory communication, including human sexual sweat." The release goes on to say, "Nineteen healthy female subjects inhaled olfactory stimuli from four sources, one of which was sweat gathered from sexually aroused males. The research showed that several parts of the brain are involved in processing the emotional value of the olfactory information." This kind of report doesn't seem all that surprising, but since this is weight loss season it makes you want to keep your spouse at home instead of watching them head off to the gym. Labels: commentary, men, sex, study, women
Ann Dunwoody Becomes First Female Four-Star General
 There seems to be a lot of glass ceilings being brought down right now. In this case, Army officials say the promotion of Ann Dunwoody, 55, to become the first four-star general in the history of the U.S. Army is breaking the "brass ceiling." Ann is a 33 year veteran of the Army and her husband is a 26 year veteran of the Air Force. Ann joined in her senior year in college in 1975 and remembers being amazed that they were paying her $500 per month and sending her to airborne school (learning how to jump out of planes). At the time, Ann admits she thought she was only getting into the Army for two years, but now says she knew the first time she put on the uniform that it was all she ever wanted to do. Where's the next glass ceiling that needs to be brought down? Click here to read the full article.Labels: commentary, news, real people, women
Ann Dunwoody Becomes First Female Four-Star General
 There seems to be a lot of glass ceilings being brought down right now. In this case, Army officials say the promotion of Ann Dunwoody, 55, to become the first four-star general in the history of the U.S. Army is breaking the "brass ceiling." Ann is a 33 year veteran of the Army and her husband is a 26 year veteran of the Air Force. Ann joined in her senior year in college in 1975 and remembers being amazed that they were paying her $500 per month and sending her to airborne school (learning how to jump out of planes). At the time, Ann admits she thought she was only getting into the Army for two years, but now says she knew the first time she put on the uniform that it was all she ever wanted to do. Where's the next glass ceiling that needs to be brought down? Click here to read the full article.Labels: commentary, news, real people, women
Ann Dunwoody Becomes First Female Four-Star General
 There seems to be a lot of glass ceilings being brought down right now. In this case, Army officials say the promotion of Ann Dunwoody, 55, to become the first four-star general in the history of the U.S. Army is breaking the "brass ceiling." Ann is a 33 year veteran of the Army and her husband is a 26 year veteran of the Air Force. Ann joined in her senior year in college in 1975 and remembers being amazed that they were paying her $500 per month and sending her to airborne school (learning how to jump out of planes). At the time, Ann admits she thought she was only getting into the Army for two years, but now says she knew the first time she put on the uniform that it was all she ever wanted to do. Where's the next glass ceiling that needs to be brought down? Click here to read the full article.Labels: commentary, news, real people, women
Contradictory Marriage Satisfaction Survey
 Parade magazine released a marriage survey of 1,001 married Americans aged 18 and over. The results showed 88 percent of participants reported being either happy or reasonably content in their marriages. Seventy percent of men say they never think about leaving their wife. What's surprising is that 19 percent of men said they'd had sex outside the marriage. Eleven percent of women also admitted to cheating. So what keeps married people together? According to the survey, 71 percent of couples said they've stayed married because of deep love while 73 percent cited companionship. To read all the results, click here. Labels: men, sex, study, women
Contradictory Marriage Satisfaction Survey
 Parade magazine released a marriage survey of 1,001 married Americans aged 18 and over. The results showed 88 percent of participants reported being either happy or reasonably content in their marriages. Seventy percent of men say they never think about leaving their wife. What's surprising is that 19 percent of men said they'd had sex outside the marriage. Eleven percent of women also admitted to cheating. So what keeps married people together? According to the survey, 71 percent of couples said they've stayed married because of deep love while 73 percent cited companionship. To read all the results, click here. Labels: men, sex, study, women
Contradictory Marriage Satisfaction Survey
 Parade magazine released a marriage survey of 1,001 married Americans aged 18 and over. The results showed 88 percent of participants reported being either happy or reasonably content in their marriages. Seventy percent of men say they never think about leaving their wife. What's surprising is that 19 percent of men said they'd had sex outside the marriage. Eleven percent of women also admitted to cheating. So what keeps married people together? According to the survey, 71 percent of couples said they've stayed married because of deep love while 73 percent cited companionship. To read all the results, click here. Labels: men, sex, study, women
Women Rule the Home
A new study from the Pew Research Center found that when it comes to the home, women are in control and that's fine by men. When it comes to planning weekend activities, household finances, major home purchases and TV watching, women not men are the ones pulling the strings--making 43 percent of the decisions. That's more than double who said the man makes the decision (26 percent). The other 31 percent said the decisions we equally divided. In the scenario where women make the decision, men don't have the final say and say they either consult or just defer to what the woman wants. What's interesting is that older couples who were surveyed said they were more likely to share in the decision-making process than their younger counterparts. Who makes the decisions in your home? Labels: money, study, women
Women Rule the Home
A new study from the Pew Research Center found that when it comes to the home, women are in control and that's fine by men. When it comes to planning weekend activities, household finances, major home purchases and TV watching, women not men are the ones pulling the strings--making 43 percent of the decisions. That's more than double who said the man makes the decision (26 percent). The other 31 percent said the decisions we equally divided. In the scenario where women make the decision, men don't have the final say and say they either consult or just defer to what the woman wants. What's interesting is that older couples who were surveyed said they were more likely to share in the decision-making process than their younger counterparts. Who makes the decisions in your home? Labels: money, study, women
Women Rule the Home
A new study from the Pew Research Center found that when it comes to the home, women are in control and that's fine by men. When it comes to planning weekend activities, household finances, major home purchases and TV watching, women not men are the ones pulling the strings--making 43 percent of the decisions. That's more than double who said the man makes the decision (26 percent). The other 31 percent said the decisions we equally divided. In the scenario where women make the decision, men don't have the final say and say they either consult or just defer to what the woman wants. What's interesting is that older couples who were surveyed said they were more likely to share in the decision-making process than their younger counterparts. Who makes the decisions in your home? Labels: money, study, women
Stop the Wandering Eye
 New research by Florida State University reveals that men and women have less temptation when their significant other is on their mind. This could be as simple as a phone call made when your husband is out with the boys or a text when your wife is out dancing with her friends. One of the study's authors, Gian Gonzaga says "This must be very deeply ingrained in us, because it happens so quickly, and we can't consciously control it. The findings show that both sexes can curb the urge to cheat by thinking about their significant others." Another study by UCLA showed that men and women just thinking about their mate curbs their attention toward the opposite sex. So go ahead and let your spouse have fun with their friends, just remind them before they leave or while they're out that you love them. Do you have any rules about your spouse going out? Labels: advice, men, study, women
Stop the Wandering Eye
 New research by Florida State University reveals that men and women have less temptation when their significant other is on their mind. This could be as simple as a phone call made when your husband is out with the boys or a text when your wife is out dancing with her friends. One of the study's authors, Gian Gonzaga says "This must be very deeply ingrained in us, because it happens so quickly, and we can't consciously control it. The findings show that both sexes can curb the urge to cheat by thinking about their significant others." Another study by UCLA showed that men and women just thinking about their mate curbs their attention toward the opposite sex. So go ahead and let your spouse have fun with their friends, just remind them before they leave or while they're out that you love them. Do you have any rules about your spouse going out? Labels: advice, men, study, women
Stop the Wandering Eye
 New research by Florida State University reveals that men and women have less temptation when their significant other is on their mind. This could be as simple as a phone call made when your husband is out with the boys or a text when your wife is out dancing with her friends. One of the study's authors, Gian Gonzaga says "This must be very deeply ingrained in us, because it happens so quickly, and we can't consciously control it. The findings show that both sexes can curb the urge to cheat by thinking about their significant others." Another study by UCLA showed that men and women just thinking about their mate curbs their attention toward the opposite sex. So go ahead and let your spouse have fun with their friends, just remind them before they leave or while they're out that you love them. Do you have any rules about your spouse going out? Labels: advice, men, study, women
Did Your Nose Pick Your Spouse?
 New research suggests that it might have been your nose, not your heart that first attracted you to your husband or wife. Researchers at Switzerland's University of Lausanne have noticed a connection between scent and picking a mate. They've observed mice, rats, sand lizards and fish pick mates with immune system genes unlike their own based on scent. This would then produce offspring that had stronger immune systems than their own. Similar tests have been conducted with humans with women picking based on sweaty t-shirts. The results were similar. It's not cut and dry however. Social influences, for example, can override this natural impulse to follow your nose. More studies are sure to follow. To read the entire article, click here. Labels: health, men, study, women
Did Your Nose Pick Your Spouse?
 New research suggests that it might have been your nose, not your heart that first attracted you to your husband or wife. Researchers at Switzerland's University of Lausanne have noticed a connection between scent and picking a mate. They've observed mice, rats, sand lizards and fish pick mates with immune system genes unlike their own based on scent. This would then produce offspring that had stronger immune systems than their own. Similar tests have been conducted with humans with women picking based on sweaty t-shirts. The results were similar. It's not cut and dry however. Social influences, for example, can override this natural impulse to follow your nose. More studies are sure to follow. To read the entire article, click here. Labels: health, men, study, women
Did Your Nose Pick Your Spouse?
 New research suggests that it might have been your nose, not your heart that first attracted you to your husband or wife. Researchers at Switzerland's University of Lausanne have noticed a connection between scent and picking a mate. They've observed mice, rats, sand lizards and fish pick mates with immune system genes unlike their own based on scent. This would then produce offspring that had stronger immune systems than their own. Similar tests have been conducted with humans with women picking based on sweaty t-shirts. The results were similar. It's not cut and dry however. Social influences, for example, can override this natural impulse to follow your nose. More studies are sure to follow. To read the entire article, click here. Labels: health, men, study, women
Get Your Wife Into Gaming
 Ok, so this article from MSNBC ( click here) is on getting your girlfriend into gaming, but the same rules apply after you're hitched. The first rule: Don't be a jerk, meaning don't throw your controller, drop f-bombs, and ignore your spouse when they're right there next to you because you're engrossed in the game. Another tip is to pick the right game. Don't try and force them to like Halo if they're not into it. Remember, gaming is suppose to be fun. Some recommended games mentions are Harry Potter, Rock Band, and Elite Beat Agents. Finally, try playing co-op. Many games have a cooperative mode, where you and a buddy can tackle missions as a duo. Don't forget to compliment when your spouse on their video game successes either. Do you and your spouse have a favorite game? Labels: advice, entertainment, video games, women
Get Your Wife Into Gaming
 Ok, so this article from MSNBC ( click here) is on getting your girlfriend into gaming, but the same rules apply after you're hitched. The first rule: Don't be a jerk, meaning don't throw your controller, drop f-bombs, and ignore your spouse when they're right there next to you because you're engrossed in the game. Another tip is to pick the right game. Don't try and force them to like Halo if they're not into it. Remember, gaming is suppose to be fun. Some recommended games mentions are Harry Potter, Rock Band, and Elite Beat Agents. Finally, try playing co-op. Many games have a cooperative mode, where you and a buddy can tackle missions as a duo. Don't forget to compliment when your spouse on their video game successes either. Do you and your spouse have a favorite game? Labels: advice, entertainment, video games, women
Get Your Wife Into Gaming
 Ok, so this article from MSNBC ( click here) is on getting your girlfriend into gaming, but the same rules apply after you're hitched. The first rule: Don't be a jerk, meaning don't throw your controller, drop f-bombs, and ignore your spouse when they're right there next to you because you're engrossed in the game. Another tip is to pick the right game. Don't try and force them to like Halo if they're not into it. Remember, gaming is suppose to be fun. Some recommended games mentions are Harry Potter, Rock Band, and Elite Beat Agents. Finally, try playing co-op. Many games have a cooperative mode, where you and a buddy can tackle missions as a duo. Don't forget to compliment when your spouse on their video game successes either. Do you and your spouse have a favorite game? Labels: advice, entertainment, video games, women
Fewer Women Having Kids
 New U.S. Census data reports that 23 percent of women ages 40 to 44 have no children, double the level of 30 years ago. Women who are having children are birthing an average of 1.9 children, compared with the mean average of 3.1 children in 1976. The data shows that women with graduate degrees have fewer children: 27 percent of 40 to 44-year old women with graduate or professional degrees are childless, compared with 18 percent of women who did not continue their education beyond high school. The data further shows that of all the women who had children in 2006, nearly 60 percent worked. These numbers have been leaning this way for a long time. What's your personal experience? Click here to read the complete article from the NY Times. Labels: kids, parenting, pregnancy, study, women
Fewer Women Having Kids
 New U.S. Census data reports that 23 percent of women ages 40 to 44 have no children, double the level of 30 years ago. Women who are having children are birthing an average of 1.9 children, compared with the mean average of 3.1 children in 1976. The data shows that women with graduate degrees have fewer children: 27 percent of 40 to 44-year old women with graduate or professional degrees are childless, compared with 18 percent of women who did not continue their education beyond high school. The data further shows that of all the women who had children in 2006, nearly 60 percent worked. These numbers have been leaning this way for a long time. What's your personal experience? Click here to read the complete article from the NY Times. Labels: kids, parenting, pregnancy, study, women
Fewer Women Having Kids
 New U.S. Census data reports that 23 percent of women ages 40 to 44 have no children, double the level of 30 years ago. Women who are having children are birthing an average of 1.9 children, compared with the mean average of 3.1 children in 1976. The data shows that women with graduate degrees have fewer children: 27 percent of 40 to 44-year old women with graduate or professional degrees are childless, compared with 18 percent of women who did not continue their education beyond high school. The data further shows that of all the women who had children in 2006, nearly 60 percent worked. These numbers have been leaning this way for a long time. What's your personal experience? Click here to read the complete article from the NY Times. Labels: kids, parenting, pregnancy, study, women
Do Self Breast Exams Work?
 According to Cochrane Collaboration, there is no evidence that monthly self exams reduce breast cancer deaths. This article in U.S. News & World Report then asks the question: What should you do then? While checking yourself regularly may not help according to the new findings, experts say if you do feel something unusual, get it checked out. The report also is not suggesting that self exams are bad, just that it's not correcting the breast cancer problem. It's not surprising, however, that some doctors still feel that self breast exams are helpful. The bottom line according to the article is that if you are currently conduction your own regular exams, you don't need to stop, but know it might not be as effective as once thought. And if you're not a regular self-examiner, you don't have to feel guilty about it. Labels: advice, health, study, women
Do Self Breast Exams Work?
 According to Cochrane Collaboration, there is no evidence that monthly self exams reduce breast cancer deaths. This article in U.S. News & World Report then asks the question: What should you do then? While checking yourself regularly may not help according to the new findings, experts say if you do feel something unusual, get it checked out. The report also is not suggesting that self exams are bad, just that it's not correcting the breast cancer problem. It's not surprising, however, that some doctors still feel that self breast exams are helpful. The bottom line according to the article is that if you are currently conduction your own regular exams, you don't need to stop, but know it might not be as effective as once thought. And if you're not a regular self-examiner, you don't have to feel guilty about it. Labels: advice, health, study, women
Do Self Breast Exams Work?
 According to Cochrane Collaboration, there is no evidence that monthly self exams reduce breast cancer deaths. This article in U.S. News & World Report then asks the question: What should you do then? While checking yourself regularly may not help according to the new findings, experts say if you do feel something unusual, get it checked out. The report also is not suggesting that self exams are bad, just that it's not correcting the breast cancer problem. It's not surprising, however, that some doctors still feel that self breast exams are helpful. The bottom line according to the article is that if you are currently conduction your own regular exams, you don't need to stop, but know it might not be as effective as once thought. And if you're not a regular self-examiner, you don't have to feel guilty about it. Labels: advice, health, study, women
Moms Get High on Baby's Smile
 A study of 28 first-time moms revealed that seeing pictures of their babies' smiles activated parts of the brain that signals a hormone called dopamine. When a mother sees their baby smile, they get a rush of dopamine, the same chemical rush that occurs when people use cocaine or nicotine. The study helps explain how the brain fosters maternal devotion, effectively making mothers addicted to their babies. An excerpt from the article explains the other side of things: The study may also shed light on postpartum depression, which affects one in 10 new mothers, says Louann Brizendine, a neuropsychiatrist at the University of California-San Francisco who was not involved in the study. In depressed women, dopamine levels may be too low for women to respond to their babies, Brizendine says. Antidepressants, which replenish dopamine levels, often help these women.
The results of this study are interesting, but it is only with 28 mothers. But seriously, those little dimpled baby cheeks are too cute not to get you high. Click here to read the full article.Labels: kids, parenting, study, women
Moms Get High on Baby's Smile
 A study of 28 first-time moms revealed that seeing pictures of their babies' smiles activated parts of the brain that signals a hormone called dopamine. When a mother sees their baby smile, they get a rush of dopamine, the same chemical rush that occurs when people use cocaine or nicotine. The study helps explain how the brain fosters maternal devotion, effectively making mothers addicted to their babies. An excerpt from the article explains the other side of things: The study may also shed light on postpartum depression, which affects one in 10 new mothers, says Louann Brizendine, a neuropsychiatrist at the University of California-San Francisco who was not involved in the study. In depressed women, dopamine levels may be too low for women to respond to their babies, Brizendine says. Antidepressants, which replenish dopamine levels, often help these women.
The results of this study are interesting, but it is only with 28 mothers. But seriously, those little dimpled baby cheeks are too cute not to get you high. Click here to read the full article.Labels: kids, parenting, study, women
Moms Get High on Baby's Smile
 A study of 28 first-time moms revealed that seeing pictures of their babies' smiles activated parts of the brain that signals a hormone called dopamine. When a mother sees their baby smile, they get a rush of dopamine, the same chemical rush that occurs when people use cocaine or nicotine. The study helps explain how the brain fosters maternal devotion, effectively making mothers addicted to their babies. An excerpt from the article explains the other side of things: The study may also shed light on postpartum depression, which affects one in 10 new mothers, says Louann Brizendine, a neuropsychiatrist at the University of California-San Francisco who was not involved in the study. In depressed women, dopamine levels may be too low for women to respond to their babies, Brizendine says. Antidepressants, which replenish dopamine levels, often help these women.
The results of this study are interesting, but it is only with 28 mothers. But seriously, those little dimpled baby cheeks are too cute not to get you high. Click here to read the full article.Labels: kids, parenting, study, women
Would You Hire Your Husband?
 The number of women starting and owning their own business has been consistently growing for a number of years. So it's not surprising that more women are asking the question: Should I hire my husband? The NY Times has an article offering several wife/husband teams. The article even addresses the concern of wives making their husbands feel emasculated in the workplace. One wife in the article believes that men measure themselves in the amount of money they make compared to women. So for and her husband, one year he makes more money and then the next year they switch it and she makes more money. Would you ever own a business with your spouse? Men, would you be okay working for your wife and not being in charge? Labels: real people, women, work
Would You Hire Your Husband?
 The number of women starting and owning their own business has been consistently growing for a number of years. So it's not surprising that more women are asking the question: Should I hire my husband? The NY Times has an article offering several wife/husband teams. The article even addresses the concern of wives making their husbands feel emasculated in the workplace. One wife in the article believes that men measure themselves in the amount of money they make compared to women. So for and her husband, one year he makes more money and then the next year they switch it and she makes more money. Would you ever own a business with your spouse? Men, would you be okay working for your wife and not being in charge? Labels: real people, women, work
Would You Hire Your Husband?
 The number of women starting and owning their own business has been consistently growing for a number of years. So it's not surprising that more women are asking the question: Should I hire my husband? The NY Times has an article offering several wife/husband teams. The article even addresses the concern of wives making their husbands feel emasculated in the workplace. One wife in the article believes that men measure themselves in the amount of money they make compared to women. So for and her husband, one year he makes more money and then the next year they switch it and she makes more money. Would you ever own a business with your spouse? Men, would you be okay working for your wife and not being in charge? Labels: real people, women, work
Wife and Husband Wrestle for Olympic Gold
 This weekend is the Olympic team trials for U.S. wrestlers. By the end of today, we'll know which women will represent the U.S. in the Olympics in the sport of wrestling. Patricia Miranda has been there before. She is the first American female wrestler to ever win an Olympic medal, a bronze in the 2004 Athens Olympics. Her husband, Levi Weikel-Magden is also a wrestler. The two met at Stanford University when they were both on the wrestling team. He later became her coach and has encouraged her to come out of retirement for one last shot at Olympic gold. This article from the NY Times tells how this husband and wife team got to where they are today, through illness, law school, sweat and sacrifice. It also tells the struggles of mixing their professional life with their home life. One highlight from the article is a story of how Levi brought home some new toothbrushes and then proceeded to try and tell Miranda how to use them. Miranda's reply, “You can’t coach me on how to brush my teeth!” Watch out Levi, she'll take you down. Labels: entertainment, event, romance, women, work
Wife and Husband Wrestle for Olympic Gold
 This weekend is the Olympic team trials for U.S. wrestlers. By the end of today, we'll know which women will represent the U.S. in the Olympics in the sport of wrestling. Patricia Miranda has been there before. She is the first American female wrestler to ever win an Olympic medal, a bronze in the 2004 Athens Olympics. Her husband, Levi Weikel-Magden is also a wrestler. The two met at Stanford University when they were both on the wrestling team. He later became her coach and has encouraged her to come out of retirement for one last shot at Olympic gold. This article from the NY Times tells how this husband and wife team got to where they are today, through illness, law school, sweat and sacrifice. It also tells the struggles of mixing their professional life with their home life. One highlight from the article is a story of how Levi brought home some new toothbrushes and then proceeded to try and tell Miranda how to use them. Miranda's reply, “You can’t coach me on how to brush my teeth!” Watch out Levi, she'll take you down. Labels: entertainment, event, romance, women, work
Wife and Husband Wrestle for Olympic Gold
 This weekend is the Olympic team trials for U.S. wrestlers. By the end of today, we'll know which women will represent the U.S. in the Olympics in the sport of wrestling. Patricia Miranda has been there before. She is the first American female wrestler to ever win an Olympic medal, a bronze in the 2004 Athens Olympics. Her husband, Levi Weikel-Magden is also a wrestler. The two met at Stanford University when they were both on the wrestling team. He later became her coach and has encouraged her to come out of retirement for one last shot at Olympic gold. This article from the NY Times tells how this husband and wife team got to where they are today, through illness, law school, sweat and sacrifice. It also tells the struggles of mixing their professional life with their home life. One highlight from the article is a story of how Levi brought home some new toothbrushes and then proceeded to try and tell Miranda how to use them. Miranda's reply, “You can’t coach me on how to brush my teeth!” Watch out Levi, she'll take you down. Labels: entertainment, event, romance, women, work
Happy Marriage Means Better Sleep for Women
 Wendy M. Troxel, a psychologist at the University of Pittsburgh has found that women in happy marriages get 10 percent better sleep than women in unhappy marriages. The question that Troxel asks now is, which comes first -- does the unhappy marriage lead to poor sleep, or does poor sleep contribute to a bad marriage? Troxel and her colleagues reviewed data on about 2,000 married women who participated in the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation. The women were an average age of 46 years. This just seems to offer one more reason to never go to be angry. Read more here.Labels: health, study, women
Happy Marriage Means Better Sleep for Women
 Wendy M. Troxel, a psychologist at the University of Pittsburgh has found that women in happy marriages get 10 percent better sleep than women in unhappy marriages. The question that Troxel asks now is, which comes first -- does the unhappy marriage lead to poor sleep, or does poor sleep contribute to a bad marriage? Troxel and her colleagues reviewed data on about 2,000 married women who participated in the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation. The women were an average age of 46 years. This just seems to offer one more reason to never go to be angry. Read more here.Labels: health, study, women
Happy Marriage Means Better Sleep for Women
 Wendy M. Troxel, a psychologist at the University of Pittsburgh has found that women in happy marriages get 10 percent better sleep than women in unhappy marriages. The question that Troxel asks now is, which comes first -- does the unhappy marriage lead to poor sleep, or does poor sleep contribute to a bad marriage? Troxel and her colleagues reviewed data on about 2,000 married women who participated in the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation. The women were an average age of 46 years. This just seems to offer one more reason to never go to be angry. Read more here.Labels: health, study, women
Yikes! One-Third of Married Moms Cheat
Cookie magazine and the AOL Body website conducted a poll of 30,000 moms. The shocking results revealed that 34 percent of married moms said they had cheated on their spouses after having children. Moreover, only 36 percent said they are as attracted to their husbands now as when they first married. If that weren't enough, more than half say even if they haven't cheated, they've considered it. Lastly, 69 percent said they would have sex with their husband even if they weren't in the mood. If these numbers are in fact true, I'd say marriage is in a state of emergency. That means one out of three marriages is broken. If you were selling a product where one out of three items sold were broken, you'd put a screeching stop to what was going on, find the problem and try to fix it. Let's find the problems and fix them because a good marriage is worth it. What do you think the problems are? Labels: parenting, study, women
Yikes! One-Third of Married Moms Cheat
Cookie magazine and the AOL Body website conducted a poll of 30,000 moms. The shocking results revealed that 34 percent of married moms said they had cheated on their spouses after having children. Moreover, only 36 percent said they are as attracted to their husbands now as when they first married. If that weren't enough, more than half say even if they haven't cheated, they've considered it. Lastly, 69 percent said they would have sex with their husband even if they weren't in the mood. If these numbers are in fact true, I'd say marriage is in a state of emergency. That means one out of three marriages is broken. If you were selling a product where one out of three items sold were broken, you'd put a screeching stop to what was going on, find the problem and try to fix it. Let's find the problems and fix them because a good marriage is worth it. What do you think the problems are? Labels: parenting, study, women
Yikes! One-Third of Married Moms Cheat
Cookie magazine and the AOL Body website conducted a poll of 30,000 moms. The shocking results revealed that 34 percent of married moms said they had cheated on their spouses after having children. Moreover, only 36 percent said they are as attracted to their husbands now as when they first married. If that weren't enough, more than half say even if they haven't cheated, they've considered it. Lastly, 69 percent said they would have sex with their husband even if they weren't in the mood. If these numbers are in fact true, I'd say marriage is in a state of emergency. That means one out of three marriages is broken. If you were selling a product where one out of three items sold were broken, you'd put a screeching stop to what was going on, find the problem and try to fix it. Let's find the problems and fix them because a good marriage is worth it. What do you think the problems are? Labels: parenting, study, women
Surprise! Mom Does More than Dad at Home
 The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that married mothers with full time jobs are more likely to do housework and provide childcare on an average day than married fathers who also have a full time job. This doesn't really seem surprising, but what's up with that guys? The report also says married moms who are not employed spend an average of 3.6 hours per day on housework, compared with 2 hours for those with full-time jobs and 1 hour for those who worked part-time. It's a little weird that full time mothers do more housework than those working part-time. Do you divide the housework and childcare evenly in your household? Labels: men, parenting, study, women, work
Surprise! Mom Does More than Dad at Home
 The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that married mothers with full time jobs are more likely to do housework and provide childcare on an average day than married fathers who also have a full time job. This doesn't really seem surprising, but what's up with that guys? The report also says married moms who are not employed spend an average of 3.6 hours per day on housework, compared with 2 hours for those with full-time jobs and 1 hour for those who worked part-time. It's a little weird that full time mothers do more housework than those working part-time. Do you divide the housework and childcare evenly in your household? Labels: men, parenting, study, women, work
Surprise! Mom Does More than Dad at Home
 The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that married mothers with full time jobs are more likely to do housework and provide childcare on an average day than married fathers who also have a full time job. This doesn't really seem surprising, but what's up with that guys? The report also says married moms who are not employed spend an average of 3.6 hours per day on housework, compared with 2 hours for those with full-time jobs and 1 hour for those who worked part-time. It's a little weird that full time mothers do more housework than those working part-time. Do you divide the housework and childcare evenly in your household? Labels: men, parenting, study, women, work
Study Says IUDs Can Reduce Cancer Risk
 A report presented to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in New Orleans says that women who used IUDs experienced a 40 percent reduction in the risk of endometrial cancer. Dr. David Grimes of Family Health International in Chapel Hill, North Carolina says "the IUD is underutilized as a contraceptive in the United States. Research is showing that it has health benefits far beyond preventing pregnancy." This is good new. Unfortunately, only 2 percent of women use IUDs according to Grimes. This article from MSNBC also says that women who take contraceptive pills also have a lower risk of this disease. Labels: health, sex, study, women
Study Says IUDs Can Reduce Cancer Risk
 A report presented to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in New Orleans says that women who used IUDs experienced a 40 percent reduction in the risk of endometrial cancer. Dr. David Grimes of Family Health International in Chapel Hill, North Carolina says "the IUD is underutilized as a contraceptive in the United States. Research is showing that it has health benefits far beyond preventing pregnancy." This is good new. Unfortunately, only 2 percent of women use IUDs according to Grimes. This article from MSNBC also says that women who take contraceptive pills also have a lower risk of this disease. Labels: health, sex, study, women
Study Says IUDs Can Reduce Cancer Risk
 A report presented to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in New Orleans says that women who used IUDs experienced a 40 percent reduction in the risk of endometrial cancer. Dr. David Grimes of Family Health International in Chapel Hill, North Carolina says "the IUD is underutilized as a contraceptive in the United States. Research is showing that it has health benefits far beyond preventing pregnancy." This is good new. Unfortunately, only 2 percent of women use IUDs according to Grimes. This article from MSNBC also says that women who take contraceptive pills also have a lower risk of this disease. Labels: health, sex, study, women
Exercises Built for Your Gender
 We've written about it many times before and it's definitely not an original opinion: Men and women are different! As such, researchers have begun to unravel the physical differences between men and women during exercise. For example, lung function is different, energy metabolism is different and much more. Earl Noble, director of the school of kinesiology at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada sums things up best when he says exercise is like a drug "that needs to be given in the appropriate dose and intensity and should be varied for sex differences." Part of this newfound discrepancy is because until recently, exercise tests were typically only conducted on men. One tidbit that may make some women feel better in what they already know, is that the new research coming out shows that it is in fact harder for women to lose weight through exercise than men. Be sure to let your husband know this is now a scientific fact! Women's bodies go into a survival mode and try to hold onto the fat, according to this article from MSNBC. One expert even says that women may have to do more exercise at a higher intensity compared to men to lose weight. Ultimately, researchers believe sometime in the future, individual will receive "exercise prescriptions" based on their age, sex, overall health and fitness level. Labels: health, men, study, women
Exercises Built for Your Gender
 We've written about it many times before and it's definitely not an original opinion: Men and women are different! As such, researchers have begun to unravel the physical differences between men and women during exercise. For example, lung function is different, energy metabolism is different and much more. Earl Noble, director of the school of kinesiology at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada sums things up best when he says exercise is like a drug "that needs to be given in the appropriate dose and intensity and should be varied for sex differences." Part of this newfound discrepancy is because until recently, exercise tests were typically only conducted on men. One tidbit that may make some women feel better in what they already know, is that the new research coming out shows that it is in fact harder for women to lose weight through exercise than men. Be sure to let your husband know this is now a scientific fact! Women's bodies go into a survival mode and try to hold onto the fat, according to this article from MSNBC. One expert even says that women may have to do more exercise at a higher intensity compared to men to lose weight. Ultimately, researchers believe sometime in the future, individual will receive "exercise prescriptions" based on their age, sex, overall health and fitness level. Labels: health, men, study, women
Exercises Built for Your Gender
 We've written about it many times before and it's definitely not an original opinion: Men and women are different! As such, researchers have begun to unravel the physical differences between men and women during exercise. For example, lung function is different, energy metabolism is different and much more. Earl Noble, director of the school of kinesiology at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada sums things up best when he says exercise is like a drug "that needs to be given in the appropriate dose and intensity and should be varied for sex differences." Part of this newfound discrepancy is because until recently, exercise tests were typically only conducted on men. One tidbit that may make some women feel better in what they already know, is that the new research coming out shows that it is in fact harder for women to lose weight through exercise than men. Be sure to let your husband know this is now a scientific fact! Women's bodies go into a survival mode and try to hold onto the fat, according to this article from MSNBC. One expert even says that women may have to do more exercise at a higher intensity compared to men to lose weight. Ultimately, researchers believe sometime in the future, individual will receive "exercise prescriptions" based on their age, sex, overall health and fitness level. Labels: health, men, study, women