Living with a perfectionist can be a positive or a negative depending on how you look at it.
“ Perfectionism, as aggravating as it may be, has surprising benefits when you stop to look for the positives rather than dwelling on the negatives.”
One of the things I just love about Jeff is his attention to detail. I really believe that for most of us our greatest strength is potentially our greatest weakness. He has that first-born perfectionism, which I’ve grown to adore because of what it means—that he’s always looking at all the details. When we were first married, well, it took me a while to realize that this is wonderful. But as we’ve grown together, I’ve realized I adore this man. He pays attention to all the details, which I’ve learned protects me in so many different ways.Take the long view. Write a list of all the things your husband takes care of in an average week. Perhaps he balances the checkbook or makes sure the car is serviced in a timely fashion. Maybe he’s the coupon-clipper, or internet bargain-hunter, saving every dollar he can.
For example, one day his car broke down on the freeway on the way to work, and he was stuck there. Fortunately, a co-worker was driving by, saw who it was and stopped to give him a ride so Jeff wasn’t late to work. He called me when he got to work, told me what had happened and said, ‘Honey, you’re going to need to go to the car. It will be towed, so please take my golf clubs out of the back, but please don’t park behind my car. Be sure to park in front of it.’
Well that doesn’t make sense, I thought. Isn’t it easier to get the stuff transferred from his trunk to mine if I’m behind him? So I said, ‘Ok, but why?’ to which he replied, ‘You’re going to need to pick up speed to get back onto the freeway, and you can’t do that if you’re parked behind my car.’
It’s little things, details, that let me know he’s always thinking about me, taking care of me, protecting me.
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