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10 Gym Etiquette Tips
How to be the perfect gym patron.

It's easy to be a good gym patron if you follow a few simple rules.

Staying in shape for yourself and the one that you love is always a great idea. Your personal behavior while working out at the gym may need a little shaping up as well. The following are some gym etiquette tips that you can use and pass along.

1. Guys, what's up with all of that grunting, moaning and guttural yelling while lifting those weights? Tone the noise down a few levels while pumping that iron.

2. Spandex is not a forgiving fabric. Before walking out the door, take a good look in the mirror. If it is pinching, squeezing or cutting off your circulation, consider another outfit. Even if your husband says you look fabulous.

3. Don't be a machine hog. Respect the gym time limit for each piece of equipment and if you see someone waiting for the machine, invite them to "work in" between your sets.

4. Use a towel. After using (and sweating) all over a piece of equipment, wipe it down before moving on to another machine.

5. Finish your double chocolate caramel latte with extra whipped cream before jumping on the treadmill. And leave the candy-coated peanuts in your purse for your mid morning snack.

6. You don't own the space. Just because you salsa in the same spot each week and you aren't there to claim it, you lose it. Don't start an argument with the person who is now dancing on your territory.

7. Respect the privacy of others in the locker room. Although most people expect to see naked bodies when showering and getting ready for their day, there are others that may find it uncomfortable being in close proximity to a total stranger with nothing between them but a toothbrush and a can of hair spray. In the locker room, use your best judgment and read the other person's body language—no pun intended.

8. It's not always a competition. Refrain from criticizing your neighbor's (or husband's) "one legged pigeon pose" when you can't master your own "downward dog".

9. Be scent friendly. Your wife may not mind your body odor or strong cologne, but your workout buddy may be another story.

10. And finally, stay off that blasted cell phone. The gym in not the place to have a lengthy conversation, and talking with an earpiece does not make it any better. Most people at the gym are there to work out hard, release stress and get on with their day. Leave your cell phone in the locker room or at least switch it to vibrate. If it rings, take the call away from your fellow gym mates and forgive them for rolling their eyes at you. You kinda deserve it!

Diane Gottsman, a nationally recognized etiquette expert, is the owner of The Protocol School of Texas, a company specializing in etiquette training for corporations, universities and individuals, striving to polish their interpersonal skills. You can reach Diane at 877-490-1077 or www.protocolschooloftexas.com.

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