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The Center of Letting Go (Part 2)
In part 2, Wendy uncovers the little things that can push you to your limits.

Letting go is a big part of experiencing an orgasm.

"The pleasure of living and the pleasure of the orgasm are identical. Extreme orgasm anxiety forms the basis of the general fear of life." ~ Wilhelm Reich

Everyone wants to orgasm. This is just a fact of life and nature. Long ago, before pornography was everywhere, desire and lust still held a formative place in our human sexuality makeup—we all had a little more room to imagine orgasmic experience and less to compare ourselves to. With the advent of internet pornography, you can witness orgasms on demand, but that doesn’t mean you can make yourself or your spouse have one. Therein lies the conundrum of orgasms.

Of all the coveted human experiences, what makes orgasms so elusive is that they cannot be forced. Even many methods of cajoling seem to backfire. Desperation and orgasms are strange bedfellows. Here we only need to unleash our imagination for a moment and it is clear how much sexual behavior lives in this odd coupling—faking, purchasing, role playing, submitting, dominating—and what we will not do for an orgasm is somewhat astounding. Several great sex therapists I know tell me the quest can cost many people their relationship. Orgasms almost become the oxymoron in this situation when it is the relationship itself which is given as the fertile ground to grow and nurture the comfort with our sexuality, which opens the door to an orgasm.

It isn’t that surprising then, that statistically your chances of having an orgasm are much better on your own than with your spouse. Letting go of your judgments about sexuality, yours, as well as your spouses, is easier to do for many people than digging deep into the fears and insecurities that most of us carry about our sexual history, preferences and behaviors. Many people spend their lives married to people with whom they can’t even say the word "masturbate" let alone imagine sharing the act. When we can’t disclose our sexuality, it holds both us and our orgasm hostage.

Being able to orgasm with someone, or for that matter by yourself, requires safety. Where could we be more vulnerable than in the ecstatic release of one’s center? Being able to find a language to explore the kinds of touch that are stimulating, allowing the strange fantasies that lurk in all of us and letting your body lead you into feelings that you don’t and can’t control are all essential to experiencing orgasms that transform.

It doesn’t work to focus on orgasms as the finish line. Aiming for it makes the journey anxiety-ridden and makes you forget that you are on a journey. Often times, it is the smallest of details that can push you to a place that you didn’t know was in you. But you can’t feel that place if you are looking for something big ahead of you. Presence is nothing if not the key to our sexual selves.

There are probably as many different types of orgasms as there are people who experience them. Great books abound on the many techniques that can facilitate them. Certainly there are literally millions of opportunities to witness them. For me, having an orgasm is a journey that always brings me back to my center.

Part 1: The Mysterious Orgasm

Wendy Strgar is the founder of GoodCleanLove.com, which provides products and advice for sustainable love. If you have questions about products or toys send them in and Wendy will be happy to share her knowledge. When visiting the website, use coupon code NEWSITE08, to enjoy a new year 15 percent discount.

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