Wacky Tax Write Offs
We're rounding the final countdown for tax season. If you're getting your books squared away this weekend, be sure to read this article on the 9 wackiest tax deductions for 2009 from BankRate.com. Now, these didn't necessarily work, it's just what some taxpayers attempted to write off. For example, one accountant noted a client had a check for over $2,000 written to a gynecologist. It was classified on the business books as 'repairs and maintenance.' Another out-there attempt has been from some animal lovers. The article mentions one pet lover who claimed his dog as a dependent, another who attempted to write off the dog food for his "home security system," and yet another who claimed Fido as a landscaping subcontractor. Got to admit, these are some pretty creative deduction attempts.
What's the craziest thing you've ever been able to write off? Click here to read the complete aritcle.
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