everything marriage blog

Monday, March 02, 2009

Money Rules for Marriage

Money issues are one of the leading causes of divorce in the country. With money issues crippling the country right now, it's a good time to review the following rules from The Motley Fool. For starters, they say you have to "have the talk." To break the ice they recommend asking, "If you had $50 to burn, what would you spend it on?" Then go into the more difficult financial questions. Another rule is to not ignore financial issues with your ex (if you're remarried). If you had a joint credit card, make sure it's taken care of. With your current spouse, they recommend not feeding each other's bad habits. Who's going to be the party pooper when you both want to purchase a new car, but know that it's not a smart financial decision for you at the moment.

It's not all negative talk on money. There are many benefits to being a financial duo. You can save on insurance, get banking deals and more. They also recommend that you get your future financial plan in order. Discuss your goals (short and long term) and then talk about how you're going to get there.

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