The old days of video games are for boys are long gone. Recent data shows that women play games just as much as guys. So what are the best games that the two of you can play together?
MSNBC has put together a list of their top five. Coming in at No. 5 is a remake of a classic racing game, Mario Kart. The newest version can be played on the Nintendo Wii. No. 4 is recent phenomenon Guitar Hero, available for all major consoles. No. 3 may be a controversial pick single it's only a single player game in which the player is an attorney out to solve crimes in Phoenix Wright (for Nintendo DS). At No. 2 is another surprise pick, the horror survival game Resident Evil, available on all major consoles. Lastly, again for the Nintendo Wii is WarioWare: Smooth Moves, where players can compete in over 200 mini games. This list definitely has some surprises. What games would be on your list?
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