everything marriage blog

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

One Mom's Quest to Boycott China

With all the China toy recalls that have happened, from products having lead in them to date-raped drugs, one mom decided that she'd had enough and made a quest to boycott products made from China. Eve Tahmincioglu, an MSNBC contributing writer began checking the labeling on all goods she purchased. She was shocked at how few options she had when boycotting China manufactured products. Tahmincioglu retells a story of how proud she was when she found a Yahtzee game that was made in the USA. When she brought it home, her husband looked at the package and read out loud: “Made in USA with dice made in China.” This wasn't the breaking point. She continued her quest and spoke with various efforts about what she was doing to see if they had any tips. In the end, she had to concede that it just wasn't going to happen.

You can read her full tale on MSNBC.com--it's only two pages and well worth it.

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