everything marriage blog

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Marriage Change & The Ripple Effect

Two professors at Wharton conducted a study and found that marriage rates, divorce rates and birth rates are all on the decline in the U.S. The study also notes how these things are affecting the environment around them and visa versa. For example, the advent of the birth control pill has made it so women can get their careers established before deciding if/when they want kids. Because of this, more romances are started in the workplace.

The rise of labor-saving devices (dishwashers, electric scrubbers, etc.) in the home have also made it so women don't have to spend as much time working on the home as before and can spend more time at the workplace. Not mentioned in this synopsis (click here) is the fact that men are doing more home labor and it's becoming more common for household duties to be divided equally.

The bottom line is that marriage is changing and these changes affect the economy, the work environment and have ripple effects on other social arenas. We always knew marriage was changing, that's why we continue to offer new original content on a regular basis. Did you think your grandmother had to worry about internet infidelity? Didn't think so. We're here for you.

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