everything marriage blog

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Wii Love It

If you've ever wanted to get your lady into video games, now's the time. Already having sold over 600,000 units in its first eight days of availability, the Nintendo Wii is showing consumers where the next generation of gaming is going. Using a revolutionary new wireless controller, the Nintendo Wii is converting non-gamers, like your wife, by the thousands. Used as a handheld pointing device the controller can detect motion and rotation in three dimensions allowing the player to be completely involved in the game. The Wii comes bundled with a five game sports pack. Like golf? Well, stand up (talk about a new generation of gaming right there) and swing the controller like you would a golf club. Boxing? Use the controller and an attachment like boxing gloves and knock your spouse, err opponent out. If you've ever wanted to play video games but are afraid the machine might kill you, and your wallet, check out the Wii.

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