Food Fight
What to do when you can't agree on a meal.

We can never agree on what to eat, and it causes regular conflict, can this be resolved?

One of the biggest challenges every couple faces, is trying to work as one when, in fact, they are two different people with various needs and wants. Arguing about what to eat is a common scenario where different tastes result in butting heads. So what do you do when your husband wants a steak and you want salad? Or when your wife has a hankering for Thai, but your belly is growling for Mexican?

Here are a couple of suggestions for you to digest:

  • If your spouse is really drooling for a steak and you have no particular preference, then let them have their rib eye. Of course, if you can’t stand meat, then make sure the restaurant selected offers something that appeals to both.

  • On the other hand, if all week long you’ve been fantasizing about your favorite ethnic restaurant and your spouse’s needs aren’t that important, hold to your guns.

  • Forget both ideas and pick a third option that will suit both of you.

  • Since you’re going to have different tastes, always remember to have varied foods available at home.

  • Of course, there will be times that each of you feels you have an irresistible urge that must be fulfilled. It may even seem that your desires hold equal weight. In this scenario, a compromise is required and there are numerous ways in which one can be reached:
    • Choose a restaurant that offers both types of cuisine.

    • Splurge and go out two nights that week – one for each favorite.

    • Stay at home and bring in the type of food you each desire.
    • Stay at home and prepare the foods that you each favor.

Remember, even if you want to scoop up some Kashmir curry while your spouse is happy slapping the bottom of a ketchup bottle, variety is the spice of life—learn to respect and enjoy your differences! And… bon appetit!

Karen Sherman, Ph.D., ( is a practicing psychologist in relationships and lifestyle issues for over 20 years. She offers teleseminars and is co-author of Marriage Magic! Find It! Make It Last.

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