everything marriage blog

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Husband Wakes from Coma After Wife Pulls Plug

Some stories are almost to miraculous to be believed. If it were written into a movie you'd probably think it was cheesy, but this story is real. Mike Connolly's heart stopped beating and his wife called 911. The paramedics worked for 35 minutes to get his heart working again and doctors say his brain stopped receiving oxygen for at least 10 minutes (more than four minutes is supposed to cause brain damage). Mike lay in a coma for 96 hours and every time doctors attempted to bring him out of a coma Mike suffered seizures. The family finally decided to disconnect life support. Then Mike woke up! To this point, there doesn't seem to be any major complications with his condition and Mike seems to be on his way to recovery. Click here to read the complete, amazing, story.

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