everything marriage blog

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What Kills Sex In A Marriage?

USA Today gives a Q&A with the authors of Sex-Starved Wife (Michele Weiner Davis) and He's Just Not Up for It Anymore (Bob Berkowitz and Susan Yager-Berkowitz) about what kills sex in a marriage. Here's a sample question and answer from that article:

Q: Is there an average or normal amount of sexual activity among married couples, and how does it change with time?

Weiner Davis: It's really very subjective. For some couples, if they had sex twice a week, they'd think they died and went to heaven. For others, it would put them in divorce court. Mutual interest needs to be taken into account.
Yager-Berkowitz: To me, what's normal is if both partners are happy. From the first days of a relationship to maybe three years, the brain hormones of people tend to be far more sexual to reproduce or form an attachment for all kinds of cultural and psychological reasons. What's normal in the first year of a relationship is very different in 10 years.

To read the full article click here.

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