everything marriage blog

Friday, October 26, 2007

First Wives Club

California's "Governator" Arnold Schwarzenegger may be a big guy and make big movies, but it's his wife Maria Shriver who was behind a record-setting conference on women this past Tuesday in Long Beach, California. Fourteen thousand women, and a few men, gathered to discuss the environment, the economy, volunteerism, family and soul. New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman interviewed the likes of former Prime Minister Tony Blair and Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus to name a few. Friedman remarked that his wife asked him to please not embarrass her. The highlight of the conference came when Shriver interviewed the wives of the presidential candidates (Bill Clinton could not make the conference). During the question and answer, Shriver asked the women if they think there husbands would put their lives on hold as they had. Both the Republican and Democratic wives in an uncommon state of agreement responded with no answer at all. Guess there's a first for everything.



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