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The Argument for the Stay-At-Home Dad
Are dads capable while moms are away? Of course, here are six benefits of dads tackling the majority of domestic duties.

Over the past several decades, dads have taken a more active role in daily parenting.

Working moms are often asked why they don’t want to stay at home with the kids, or if there is something wrong with their husband that he is unable to work.”
While stay-at-home dads are not a new idea, it has only begun to gain significant recognition in the parenting world. For so long, our culture has easily accepted— even openly welcomed—stay-at-home moms as a natural role within the family structure. Well, it is now 2016 and moms are not the only ones staying home with the kids anymore. According to a Pew Research study, the number of stay-at-home dads has virtually doubled over the last 30 years. Estimates today place the number of stay-at-home dads in the United States at approximately 2 million—the fastest growing family type, according to Christianity Today.

The reasons are as varied as the weather in Kansas in February, but the outcome is often the same. Why should your children be taken care of by a complete stranger, in an unfamiliar environment, while both parents are working, just so that one of the parent’s salaries can be used in its entirety to cover the cost of daycare? And with the advancement in gender roles, more professional women in the workplace, and the current, ongoing economic struggles there are many families choosing to have the father stay home with the kids—not out of necessity, but for practicality.

Families that choose for dad to be in the domesticated role are still faced with gender stereotypes, even from close friends and family. Working moms are often asked why they don’t want to stay at home with the kids, or if there is something wrong with their husband that he is unable to work. On the flip side, stay-at-home dads are frequently criticized for "not allowing" Mom the same affordances of not being able to provide the same level of care. Whether inquiries such as these are products of well-intentioned curiosity or something else completely, they often can result in frustration for both mom and dad. However, there are some prominent benefits to a stay-at-home Dad.

* Children are equally influenced by both parents when dad stays at home with the kids as compared to the stay at home mom, with which children tend to have a stronger mother influence, but little influence from the father.

* Children have higher grades, fewer disorders, greater ambitions, and are at a reduced risk of delinquency or teen pregnancy when they have a father who is an active participant in parenting, according to the Center for Successful Fathering in Austin, Texas.

* Fathers who do the housework inspire their daughters to dream big. Seeing their dad help out around the house serves as a reminder that cooking and cleaning is not just a "woman’s job."

* They teach both girls and boys how a father can be a strong male figure and a dedicated, loving parent at the same time. The old saying, "actions speak louder than words" ring true. Stay-at-home dads are real-life examples for their kids, demonstrating stereotypical gender roles don’t have to hold true.

* Many moms find having a career outside the home very rewarding, and might resent having to give it up when her spouse is perfectly happy to, and capable of, staying home and providing safe and loving care for the children.

* Stay-at-home parents, whether mom or dad, can remain viable in the workforce through continued networking, part-time consulting or freelance work. This can help them remain relevant when they are ready to return to work outside the home.

While not every man can make a good stay-at-home parent, not every woman can make a good one either. However, research does suggest that children raised by fathers who have willingly chosen to be stay-at-home dads flourish. It’s time to welcome the new family norm, embrace those dads supporting their families in a more non-traditional way, acknowledge the benefits and respect the choice these family’s make.

Malini Bhatia is the founder of Marriage.com, a website dedicated to providing value in every marriage. Marriage.com provides resources, information and a community that supports healthy, happy marriages. Malini has global experience in international management and communications, and lives in Los Angeles with her husband of 11 years and two daughters.

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