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Years 1-5Years 6-10Years 11-15Years 20-60+

11-Year Anniversary: Steel
Is your husband your Man of Steel? If he leaps buildings to bring you flowers regularly, cooks meals, keeps the house tidy and still makes you laugh on a daily basis, it's time to reward him this anniversary. Guys love gadgets. The secret is that women love gadgets too, which is why the new iPhone 4 would be great for both.

iPhone 4
You're probably thinking, "What the heck does the new iPhone have to do with steel?" Well, if you must know, there's a stainless steel band that encases the latest phone from Apple. This band also doubles as the antenna. Groovy. If that doesn't impress you, how about the new forward facing camera so you can video chat with your spouse from your phone! We don't think we need to tout the other 100-plus improvements to the iPhone software or the added speed or battery life to convince you that this phone is awesome.
Price: Starting at $199 for 16GB new activation

More Ideas:
- Knives
- Food processor
- Stainless steel stovetop
- Car
- A collection of heist movies
- A trip to the Steel City to watch a sporting event

TheManRegistry.com: For the grilling, college sports aficionado, check out the NCAA Collegiate Grill Topper. This steel rack when placed on your grill will sear the logo of his favorite college team into the mean burger, steak or pork that he’s preparing.

12-Year Anniversary: Silk
There is nothing like silk. You mention the feeling of silk and your mind immediately begins to wonder. When you want to tempt your spouse with chocolate you describe it as silky. When you want to feel sensual you slip into your silk lingerie. With a dozen years in the bank, be sure to keep that fire going with the help and pleasure of silk.

300 Instant Camera
No, this camera is not made of some magic silk material. Use this camera to have some fun and snap a picture of your wife in something silky. She can be twisted in sheets or posing in lingerie, let your imagination take over. You might be thinking, "Polaroid still makes cameras?" Yep, and the 300 Instant Camera brings back the fun of snapping pictures and seeing instant results. This camera offers four scene settings for various lighting, produces instant color photos about the size of a business card, and comes in blue or black. It works with Polaroid 300 Instant Film.
Price: $89

More Ideas:
- Tie
- Bed sheets
- Robes
- Lingerie
- Drapery
- Fine chocolates

TheManRegistry.com: Help him bring out his inner Hugh Hefner with an Intimo silk robe complete with an elegant shawl collar and royal tailoring. It's available at www.amazon.com.

13-Year Anniversary: Lace
Okay, there's really no way around it. Lace is really something more for women than men. Unless…we're talking some lingerie. Now that's some lace that guys can get into. Now fellas, you're going to have make dinner, clean the house, and get the kids a sitter before you can appreciate this year's material. At least the incentive is there.

Sweetheart Lace Kimono
The Sweetheart Lace Kimono offers Japanese styling in this semi-opaque outfit. This lingerie comes in pink and white and stops at the top of the thighs with full sleaves. If you want to complete the outfit, go ahead and surprise your spouse with a matching pair of underwear. Thirteen years and still going strong.
Price: $44

More Ideas:
- Underwear
- Sewing machine
- More lingerie, what's wrong with that?
- Bedroom toys to accompany your new outfits
- Curtains

TheManRegistry.com:Well, a gift for you is sometimes a gift for him, if you know what I mean. Did you expect something else? I'm sure you can find something he'll like at www.victoriasecret.com.

14-Year Anniversary: Ivory
Candles are a popular wedding gift. We're guessing that after 14 years those candles have burnt down to their nubs. If not, what are you waiting for? We picked out a set for you below. Ivory is such a soft color that's clean and refreshing. You can find just about any product in ivory, which make this year wide open for ideas and interpretation. Have fun with it.

Caterer's 32-Piece Candle Set
There are so many different shapes and sizes of candles that sometimes you're not sure what you need or if what you have at home will match. Put all of those worries aside and finally splurge on a matching set at the Pottery Barn. The Caterer's 32-piece Candle Set includes 12 tapers, two pillars, 12 tealights, and six votive candles. You can jazz this gift up by also purchasing a few new candle holders. What you do once the lights are out and the candles lit is up to you.
Price: $49

More Ideas: - Dress
- Trip along the Ivory Coast
- Piano
- Jewelry box
- A trip to snow-topped mountains
- Shoes

TheManRegistry.com: Is his desk in serious need of a replacement? An ivory-colored desk is a durable gift that's classy and unique for your fourteenth anniversary. Check out www.gonauticalgifts.com to learn more.

15-Year Anniversary: Crystal
For many, 15 years is another large celebration. You've shown that you two can handle the ups and downs of life together and now it's time to get rewarded. From here on out you get nothing but the finest materials. Crystal is great because it is not just great to look at, but is perfect to sip out of. Check it out.

Lenox "Tuscany Classics" Grand Beaujolais, Set of 4
Too much of your crystal probably sits in a hutch and never gets used. These Lenox Grand Beaujolais can be used every night to put down your glass of red wine. Remember, this is crystal so hand wash only, but not before you cling them together on your anniversary night and cherish that lingering sweet sound of a successful marriage.
Price: $54

More Ideas:
- Visit the crystal clear water of Tahiti
- Crystal figurine
- Crystal skull for the archeologist
- Ice skating lessons

TheManRegistry.com: It takes a lot for a man to use the word "spectacular," but the Waterford Crystal Wood Grain Decanter is just that. He’ll love it, and you can find it here: www.waterford.com.

Years 1-5Years 6-10Years 11-15Years 20-60+

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